The Causes of Stuffy Noses Next to and How to Overcome them - 10001healthy



The Causes of Stuffy Noses Next to and How to Overcome them

The Causes of Stuffy Noses Next to and How to Overcome them - The nasal congestion is closely related to the flu problem and when you have the flu, your nose will automatically get clogged, whether it's two or even one of them. Only, for a disease like a cold usually will not make the nasal congestion in the long term. So if for example you have a nasal congestion that can happen for years, this should be a concern and can be directly examined to the doctor.

The possible causes of nasal congestion are the following illness conditions:

1. Sinusitis

This condition of sinusitis is known to be an inflammation or inflammation that occurs in the sinus wall and is generally caused by bacterial or viral infections. The sinus itself is a small cavity that has air in it and its position is at the back of the forehead and cheek. This common disease will show the following symptoms:

  • Coughs.
  • Loss of the sense of smell.
  • Nasal congestion next to or frequent runny nose.
  • Fever with body temperature can be more than 38 degrees Celsius.
  • Headache.
  • The face feels painful and when pressed it will hurt.

2. Polyp

The condition of nasal polyps is a condition in which the nasal passages have tissue growth, and the growth of this tissue is very gentle and will not trigger cancer and will not cause pain.

Sinus itself is a small hole that has the air inside is located in the area of ​​the face bone. The color and shape of the nasal polyps vary greatly and the nasal congestion may be due to large polyps.

Polyps are considered safe because this condition will not make the sufferer at risk of developing nasal cancer. Usually the symptoms of polyps that appear are:

  • Disturbed sense of taste and smell.
  • Difficulty in breathing.
  • The nose will release water or mucus.
  • The nose is often clogged, either side or all.

3. Non-allergic rhinitis

Maybe you do not know yet; Rhinitis is basically 2 types, namely allergic rhinitis and non-allergic rhinitis, and the cause of the emergence of nasal congestion next to the condition is a type of nonallergic. Nonallergic rhinitis is not a trigger allergy, but bacteria and viruses. Common symptoms suffered by people with rhinitis are usually similar to when experiencing flu or colds, as below:

  • Uncomfortable in the nose area.
  • There is irritation in the nose.
  • The sensitivity of the sense of smell is reduced.
  • Nose runny and clogged.
  • Sneezing.
  • Have a cough.
  • Muscles hurt.
  • Body aches.

Some people even suffer from serious and even long-term symptoms of rhinitis and persistently that daily activities are eventually hampered. Even some people experience sleep disorders when the nose is starting to clog up because it can not breathe a sigh of relief. But by seeing a doctor before severe, the condition can be handled properly.

4. Septum Deviation

This one medical condition can also cause nasal congestion, including blockage of the side. The state of this deviation septum is the incompatibility of a septum that can be caused by congenital defects. Septum itself is a thin wall that is useful to separate the two nostrils and if this part is injured or damaged due to medical treatment, septum deviation can occur. The most common symptoms that you can be aware of include the following:
  • Sinus infection. (Also read: the characteristics of sinusitis)
  • The nose is bloody.
  • Nasal congestion.
5. Nasopharyngeal cancer

Maybe you've heard about nasopharyngeal cancer, a cancer condition that originally from behind the ceiling of the oral cavity and nasal cavity, which is precisely the nasopharyngeal epithelial cells. Although it is not clear what the main trigger of nasopharyngeal cancer is, it is suspected that Epstein-Bar virus, environmental factors, diet, genetics, and smoking habits can be a trigger. For common symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer, can be seen as follows:
  • Nosebleed a little but it will happen again.
  • Nasal congestion on an ongoing basis that even happens frequently on one side only.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes of the neck.
  • Double vision or squint.
  • Headache.
In addition to the 5 causes of nasal congestion on top, there are several other causes that can not be underestimated, here are other possibilities that cause nasal congestion.
  • Foreign object
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Dust
  • Cluster Headache
  • Allergy
  • Flu
How To Overcome Stuffy Nose Next Door

Whether your nose is completely blocked or even just one-sided, it's important to handle it in the way you can afford it before bringing it to your doctor if impairment is sustained. The ways below are very easy for you to try to relieve respiration.

Use hot water. 
Easy and need not complicated because you only need to boil water to taste then position your face on a bowl of hot water. Let the steam be inhaled by your nose so that the inflammation can become lighter without taking long. Although with this process the nasal congestion may improve, but the mucus that is in the nose should remain removed. 

Use wind oil or inhaler. 
These ingredients are powerful ingredients that are simple and usable when and wherever you are. The use of both materials is to relieve a blocked nose due to its refreshing menthol content. Using it was not difficult because you can directly inhale or can also lightly smear at the bottom of the nostrils. You can also tip the tips in the neck area and upper forehead.

Sleeping in a half-sitting position. 
Some say that in order to relieve the left nose, you should sleep facing right, while to relieve the right nasal congestion, you need to face to the left. Sometimes this way just makes it complicated and less effective, then try to sleep in a different position than usual. With a half-sitting position where you provide extra pillows to support the head and neck, the buildup of blood flow in the nose will automatically decrease and the blockage can also be lost.

Does not blow your nose firmly. 
You mean blowing your nose strongly enough so that the mucus can come out perfectly without leaving, but usually it just makes inflammation in the nasal lining. The result is not a relief, but instead can make the nasal congestion more serious and heavy.

Prepare a small towel that can then dipped in warm water, then squeeze and paste it to the bridge of the nose. Position your body in a relaxed position, such as lying on a sofa or bed. When the towel has become colder, dip it again in warm water until the stuffy nose next to it is completely relieved.

Go to the doctor. 
Cold nose just need to have to see a doctor? Yes, if you have experienced a blockage of more than 10 days, accompanied by a high fever that occurs over 3 days, the color of the snot is green, or mucus is mixed with blood.

If you have chronic obstruction without a dangerous cause you should immediately visit the relevant doctor to perform further diagnosis.