Signs of Stress on Teenagers - 10001healthy



Signs of Stress on Teenagers

Signs of Stress on Teenagers - Psychological pressure in adolescents can trigger stress if not handled properly.
At this time, adolescents will experience a variety of life dynamics that often cause psychological pressure that can lead to stress. Are there any signs of stress in recognizable teenagers?

Based on experiments on animal experiments, the stress in adolescence triggers a longer reaction. If not handled properly, then adolescents can be tangled with stress that inhibits activity and grow their flowers.

Some changes in the behavior of adolescents who experience stress need to be wary of. For example, he does not want to engage in activities with friends, is more anxious than usual, and sleeps less or more than usual. In addition, they started consuming more caffeinated products and behaving more aggressively.

In addition to noticeable behavioral changes, a person with stress disorder will also experience emotional changes such as faster anger, easy feel sad, more difficult to relax, and emotions fluctuate.

In addition, someone who is under stress will also experience physical changes. Starting from feeling weak, not feeling hungry, weight loss, and often feel panic.

Overcome stress early on

Do you feel the complaint as above? Or recognize it to some teenagers around you? If so, some of the things below can be the first form of help that can be done:

1. Encourage them to talk about problems faced by someone who can be trusted. Whether it's friends or parents.

2. Ask them to remove unbeneficial and burdensome thoughts. Invite to think positively and eliminate prejudice.

3. Suggest to note any problems they face and encourage to make a list of possible settlement.

4. Invite to do physical activities such as sports and social activities that divert the mind. Good social relationships can reduce the state of stress.

Recognizing stress symptoms in teenagers as early as possible will greatly help overcome the problem. Do not let stress levels interfere with life and ruin their future.