Having a healthy and cholesterol-free body is everyone's dream. No wonder, many are eager to immediately start a healthy lifestyle this year. You one of them?
No need to hurry. In order for a healthy lifestyle that you do really useful to ward off bad cholesterol from the body, here are four ways that need to be done to get started:
1. Self-motivation
Cholesterol free, meaning free of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Remember those words, to make you more motivated.
You can also write these words on a large piece of paper, to then stick to the wall or a place that is easily visible. Thus, when viewing the text, you will be immediately motivated.
2. Invite family
Want to start a healthy life, of course must be with family. Make a commitment together, such as avoiding the consumption of fried foods and fast food.
Such a simple commitment will become a habit, which when done consistently will keep the cholesterol danger away from you as a family.
3. Get rid of temptation
Get rid of cookies, sweets, and sugary drinks from the desk. Replace with a healthier snack, for example containing a stanol ester plant.
Avoid passing around a favorite fast food restaurant, or a fried merchant's subscription. Do not underestimate temptation, once fall will be difficult to rise again.
4. Give awards
When successfully applying a healthy lifestyle within the first month, you can reward yourself. For example by buying new sports shoes, blood pressure gauges, or items you've been looking for since last year.
Healthy Lifestyles Cholesterol Free
If you have not got a picture of a healthy lifestyle as to what to do. Here's an example to follow:
Regularly check cholesterol
This action aims to monitor the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL), good cholesterol (HDL), total cholesterol, and triglycerides in your body.
Watch your intake and diet
In order for a cholesterol-free body, you are required to have a good and structured diet.
A good diet can be done by avoiding fast food, fried foods, fatty meat, or other fatty foods. As for the structured diet, you are required to limit everything you eat, regardless of the type.
Enjoy life without cigarettes and alcoholic beverages
Cigarettes and alcoholic beverages can make your cholesterol levels soar.
Giat exercise
Regular exercise is a great way to control cholesterol levels in the body.
Take control of your weight and avoid stress
Similar to cigarettes and alcoholic beverages, excess weight and stress can also lead to spikes in cholesterol levels in the body.
Watch your blood pressure
If your blood pressure is high, then cholesterol levels in the body are also high. Perform regular checks, so this condition does not happen to you.
Complete with plant consumption of stanol ester
Stanol ester plant that has been packaged and sold freely in the market is very good for controlling cholesterol levels in the body.
Start this year by applying a cholesterol-free healthy lifestyle. That way, you will avoid heart disease and other dangerous diseases.