Find Out The Basic Causes Of Swollen Eyes Before It Starts Treated - 10001healthy



Find Out The Basic Causes Of Swollen Eyes Before It Starts Treated

Find Out The Basic Causes Of Swollen Eyes Before It Starts Treated - Excess fluid or edema in the connective tissue around the eyes will usually cause swollen eyes. Many factors can cause it, among them due to crying for long periods of time, trauma, infection, or other injuries around the eyes.

The swelling eye also called the periorbital often occurs in the eyelid. Allergies are also often the cause of this condition. In addition to swollen eyes, allergies are also usually accompanied by symptoms of red eyes and itching.

To know more about swollen eyes, here are some types of causes of puffy eyes.

Lack of sleep

The cause of puffy eyes is also commonly experienced by those who lack sleep or stay up most. In addition to puffy eyes and pale skin, someone who sleeps less, especially if it has lasted for a long time, the possibility of having skin that is not fresh, skin wrinkled, and there is a dark circle under the eyes. The dark circle in the eye is called the panda eye.

Cortisol will also release the body when a person lacks rest. This stress hormone is likely to break down collagen so that gradually the skin will be wrinkled and not rubbery anymore. Lack of sleep also allows the production of growth hormone decreased, thus reducing skin thickness, decreased muscle mass, and bone fragility.

Kalazion or meibomian cyst

The meibomian or kalazion cyst is a disease characterized by the appearance of a lump on the eyelid. Due to the presence of this lump, it is natural that the eyes look swollen. The growth of lumps in the eyelids is usually caused by inflammation within the skin glands. The lump usually lasts for several days to several weeks. In addition to swollen eyes, this lump also sometimes causes the eyelid to become red, warm, and painful to the touch.

Kalazion is caused by oil glands in blocked eyelids. When clogged, these glands still continue to produce oils causing buildup. This is what then causes a lump on the eyelid. When broken, the oil that accumulates will flow into the tissue in the eyelid and cause inflammation.


Swollen eyes can also be a form of the body's natural reaction to allergies. In addition to swelling, allergies can also cause discomfort to the eyes that are marked with watery eyes, red eyes, and itching.

When exposed to allergens, the immune system reacts to allergens by secreting histamine. This substance that triggers the occurrence of puffy eyes.

Allergens are objects or elements that cause allergies. The allergens that cause swollen eyes can come from outside or from within the house. Those from outside the home can be pollen and flowers. For those in the house, watch for pet hair, such as cat hair or dog hair. Small mushrooms commonly grown on wood or damp walls in the house can also cause allergies.


Another possible cause of puffy eyes is blepharitis. This is an inflammation of the eyelids that can occur in two forms, namely anterior and posterior. If the anterior is a form of inflammation on the outer edge of the eyelid, then the posterior is on the inside edge of the eyelid. The cause of the outer blepharitis may be bacteria, whereas occurring in the eyelid is commonly caused by an oil gland disorder.

Both types of blepharitis in addition to causing swelling also makes the eyes feel itchy, too sensitive to see the rays, red eyes, sore, and like a flicker. In addition, blepharitis may also make blurred vision, dry eyes, and skin on the base of the eyelashes peeling off.

Blepharitis can rarely fully recover. Therefore, it is important to always maintain the hygiene of the eyelids. If the inflammatory condition is severe, usually antibiotics or steroid eye drops become the treatment option. However, both treatments should involve the doctor.


Swollen eyelids may also be related to a person's age. This is especially when the upper skin of the eyelid is not tight again and decreased or commonly called dermatochalasis. It is not impossible that the decrease of the upper eyelid skin can interfere with one's vision.

Can also the edge of the eyelid that decreased and this condition is known as ptosis. Ptosis can also be associated with a person's age and does not happen in an instant. Although rare, ptosis can also be caused by a brain tumor or myasthenia gravis. Of course, these symptoms do not come alone because they are usually accompanied by other symptoms of underlying disease.

Insect stings

Although rare, the bite or sting of some insects can cause anaphylactic shock. Some types of insects that have such effects are bees and wasps.

In addition to the eye area, insect stings can cause swelling within a short period of time in the lips, tongue, and throat areas. Can also have difficulty breathing, dizziness, wheezing, abdominal pain, even fainting. This situation requires emergency treatment.

To treat swollen eyes, the causative factor becomes one crucial thing to know. The faster finding the cause, the easier it is to determine the type of treatment. In order for this to work well, it is recommended that the treatment involves a doctor.