Causes of Breast Cancer - 10001healthy



Causes of Breast Cancer

Causes of Breast Cancer -The cause of breast cancer is not known for certain. It is difficult to ensure that each patient has the same cause or not. But there are several factors that can affect the risk of breast cancer, among others:

Impact of Breast Cancer Diagnosis Previously
If you have had breast cancer or there is a change in the nature of non-invasive cancer cells contained in the breast channel into invasive cancer cells, you can return to cancer in the same breast or on the other breast.

The Influence of Lumps of Lumps Ever Had
Having a benign lump does not mean you have breast cancer, but certain lumps may increase your risk. Small changes in your breast tissue, such as unusual cell growth in the ducts or lobules, can increase your risk for breast cancer.

The Influence of Genetics and Family Health History
If you have a nuclear family (eg, mother, brother, sister or child) with breast or ovarian cancer, your risk for breast cancer will increase. But breast cancer may also appear more than once in one family by chance.
Most cases of breast cancer are not due to heredity, but certain gene mutations known as BRCA1 and BRCA2 can increase the risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer. This type of cancer may also be passed on to the child's parents.

Age factor
As we get older, the risk of cancer will also increase. Breast cancer generally occurs in women aged over 50 years who have experienced menopause. About 80 percent of cases of breast cancer occur in women aged over 50 years.

Risk of Radiation Exposure
Your risk for breast cancer can also increase if exposed to frequent radiation or due to certain medical procedures that use radiation such as rays and CT scans.

Estrogen Exposure Risk
The risk of breast cancer will increase slightly due to levels of exposure to estrogen in the body. Example:
If you have no offspring or birth in the elderly. This will increase the risk of breast cancer because exposure to estrogen is not hindered by the process of pregnancy.
If you have a longer menstrual period (for example, start menstruating before age 12 years or having menopause after age 55 years).

Effect of Hormone Replacement Therapy
Combined hormone replacement therapy has a slightly higher risk of estrogen replacement therapy. But both can still increase the risk of breast cancer. Among the 1,000 women who undergo combination hormone therapy for 10 years, it is estimated there will be 19 cases of breast cancer more than women who never received hormone therapy. This risk will also increase with the duration of therapy, but will return to normal once you stop living it.

The Influence of Excess Weight Or Obesity
Being overweight after menopause can lead to increased estrogen production so the risk of breast cancer will increase.

Consumption of Liquor
A study has been conducted on 200 women who consume liquor and 200 non-alcoholic women. The results suggest that members of the alcoholic beverage group could have as many as three more cancers. The risk of breast cancer will increase with the amount of liquor consumed.