Causes Of Acne On Faces - 10001healthy



Causes Of Acne On Faces

Causes of Acne On Faces - Inflammation of the skin due to acne is not annoying especially for women, because with the acne it will cause less than perfect appearance. Acne problem on the skin that can be on any body part, but the most common part is facial skin. Facial skin most often have acne because the skin is often exposed to the outside so exposed to dust and so forth. Acne can not only grow in women alone, but in men also because anyone can experience it since adolescence. Acne will feel pain and make discomfort when the size is large, because acne will be painful and when broken there will be blood and pus issued and the skin surface will be slightly perforated or perforated, so if the inflammation of severe acne can damage the skin surface Will cause the skin look uneven

Causes Of Acne On Faces

Acne on the face is very disturbing especially if the number is so many that do not feel not confident with the presence of acne on the skin of his face. There are factors causing acne on the face that need to be known, because the skin of the outer part of the face so it needs to be maintained properly. Need to know what are the factors that can cause acne on the face, as below:

Causes of Acne On Face due to hygiene

For the cause of acne on the face of the skin that most often occurs can be caused by the cleanliness of the skin is less well guarded. Facial hygiene factors that are poorly guarded can provide many adverse effects for the skin that one of them acne. The appearance of acne on the face is often also because rarely wash your face or not in the right way so that the dirt is not wasted properly and will clog the pores of the facial pores that will trigger a skin bacterial infection and become acne.

Causes of Acne On Face due to excessive makeup

Not infrequently also pimply skin due to make up or cosmetic products are used especially in women. For most women, makeup is like a necessity because it is used every day. The use of make up is not a problem, but the problem if used excessively and after use is not cleaned properly. Or there are also products that trigger acne because it does not match the skin type that is owned. Therefore, when using products on the skin should first identify the type of skin so it is not wrong in the selection of products.

Causes of Acne On Face due to skin type

Almost every person must have had acne, but there are people who are more potent to have acne higher than others because of the influence of the type of skin that is owned. For people who have more potent oily skin types. Production of oil on the skin or excess sebum is not good, because the dust or dirt will be more easily attached. For that if it has oily skin types should have oil paper to absorb excessive oil on the face so as not to trigger acne on the face.

Causes of Acne On The Face due to hormones

Everyone once has acne not only because of the influence of skin products used or any kind of skin, but can be due to hormonal factors. Changes in hormones that begin when adolescence or puberty can cause acne on the face. Because hormonal changes can also trigger oil production on the face increases so the skin is more oily. There are hormonal changes at the time before menstruation or because of the influence of the kb pills used. For that almost everyone once has acne on his face or other skin parts.

Causes of Acne On Face due to food

Acne on the face can be caused by food in consumption. Indirect food can be a factor cause of acne on the face especially in foods high in fat or less healthy food. High fat foods also have the potential to trigger excessive sebum production.

Causes of Acne On Face due to genetics

There are also who have acne on the face due to the influence of the family. Having a genetic factor with an unfavorable skin type can cause acne if not treated. Therefore there are those who experience inflammation of acne on the face due to genetic factors.

If you already know the factors causing acne on the face should do prevention for acne does not appear. There are many factors that cause acne on the face as mentioned above. To prevent it can be by controlling the intake of foods, especially fatty foods, multiply mineral water intake, eat more vegetables and fruits, reduce the use of makeup, and maintain good skin hygiene in order to reduce the risk of infection of the skin.