How to Treat Headaches Quickly Without Drugs - 10001healthy



How to Treat Headaches Quickly Without Drugs

How to Treat Headaches Quickly Without Drugs - Usually caused by some things such as skipping meals, consuming too much caffeine, dehydration, stress and much more.

Headaches are of many kinds, what are they? Consider the following explanation!

Various Headaches

There are several types of headaches among them, cluster headaches, migraine headaches, prolonged headaches, vertigo headaches and so on.

Treatment steps for each type of headache are different. So before choosing which drug you will consume, you should first make sure which type of headache that you currently feel ..

Powerful Ways to Overcome Headaches
For those of you who are currently suffering from headaches, maybe you can do tips to reduce and cure the following headaches:

1. How to Treat Headache by Drinking Water
As mentioned above, that one of the causes of headaches is due to dehydration / lack of fluids in the body. Water is an intake component that is needed by the body.

Therefore, if you have headaches, drink water immediately. Routine drinking 8 - 10 glasses of water per day can be useful to prevent headaches.

2. Overcoming Headaches by Eating Potatoes
Besides being caused by a lack of fluids / dehydration, headaches can also be caused by loss of electrolytes such as potassium.

To overcome it of course we have to consume foods rich in potassium, one of which is a potato. Preferably the potatoes to be eaten, cooked by burning with the skin, or boiled (not fried).

3. Overcoming Headache with Bananas
Bananas have many benefits. In the world of beauty, this fruit is also commonly used as a natural mask for skin care.

One of them is useful to get rid of acne. In addition, the content of collagen in bananas can prevent premature aging by restoring skin suppleness.

In addition to being rich in potassium, it is also rich in magnesium that can help relieve migraines.

If the headache attacks, you can eat bananas to reduce headache.

4. Overcoming Headache with Ice Stone
Did you know, ice cubes can also be used to reduce the pain in the head. The way is easy, we just need to rub or rub ice cubes slowly on the area of ​​your head that feels pain.

Ice cubes will cause numbness in the head area that feels pain, so it will reduce the headache.

5. Overcoming Headaches with Food / Drinks Containing Mint
Well, if this way more suitable if the headache that you suffer caused by ulcers for skipping meals so that the stomach becomes nausea and headache. The best way to treat it is to consume foods / beverages containing mint such as pappermint tea and so on. (Read: Causes of Headaches )

6. Overcoming Headache with Coffee
Do you remember with the phrase "something is not good enough"? Likewise coffee, if we consume coffee in a reasonable amount (no more than 2-3 cups / day), it turns out coffee can also be a solution when you experience headaches.

Because the content of caffeine in coffee is 40% more effective in treating headaches. But remember, do not drink too much coffee because it can trigger a headache.

Therefore drink less than 2-3 cups of coffee per day.

7. Overcoming Headache with Sesame Seeds
Vitamin E content in sesame seeds can help stabilize estrogen in the body, so it can prevent migraine.

In addition sesame seeds are also rich in magnesium which can also prevent headaches.

In addition to sesame seeds, foods such as beans, olive oil, dandelions, wheat, and sweet potatoes, also contain lots of magnesium.

8. Overcoming Headaches by Consuming Fish
Eating fish can also help relieve headaches. Moreover, fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel or tuna are rich in omega-3 and essential fats that can prevent inflammation that can cause migraine.

9. Treating Headache with Watermelon
Watermelon is a type of fruit that is rich in water, so you can use to overcome the headache caused by dehydration.

10. Overcoming Headache with Streching
Streching is a movement of stretching (gymnastics). Headaches can also be caused by tense muscles, so if you have a headache, try to do gym movements, or can also do yoga.

11. Overcoming Headache by Sleeping Regularly
Your sleeping too much is wrong, but lack of sleep is wrong, because sleep must be normal. Man can not work for 24 hours, because man is a robot.

Try to get enough sleep time for example 7-8 hours so you avoid the name of headache.

12. Avoid Stress
Not infrequently the headache is also caused by muscles or nerves are tense. One reason is that too many thoughts end up causing stress and headaches.

So my advice, do not be too busy with work. Take your time to refresh. :)

13. Overcoming Headache with Avocado Seed
If the cause of your headache is caused by a fever. You can make a natural compress from avocado seeds.

How to provide 2 seeds of avocado and grated. After that mix with a little water, then stick on the forehead for approximately 1-2 hours or every time you sleep at night.