Coffee Benefits For Health and Beauty - 10001healthy



Coffee Benefits For Health and Beauty

Coffee Benefits For Health and Beauty - Benefits of coffee turned out to have a number of good nutritional content for the body, even claimed to be one true fighter for cancer. Is it true?. Coffee bean extract is what is processed into a coffee powder that we often enjoy. Coffee is usually a friend when starting a day in the morning. This dark-colored beverage, featuring a unique taste, no wonder many people who favor drinks.

It is important to know, drinking coffee habits can be good for health. Some of the benefits of coffee for the body are as follows.

Nutrition On Coffee
  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 11% of AKG.
  • Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5): 6% of AKG.
  • Manganese and Potassium: 3% of AKG.
  • Magnesium and Niacin (B3): 2% of AKG.
Benefits of Coffee For Health

Pleasure cup of many people who admire it, behind the benefits of coffee store a variety of benefits. The following benefits of coffee include:

1. Increase stamina

Coffee has a high content of caffeine. Adenosine in the body works as a cell that causes the desire to sleep against the brain. Caffeine in coffee affects cell performance and makes its movement slower. So it makes the feeling fresher longer.

2. Prevent cancer

Antioxidants in coffee help reduce the risk of cancer symptoms in the body. Research in Japan on a number of women who consume coffee 2 times a day, the risk of colon cancer decreased by 25%.

3. Coffee maintains oral health

Coffee has good anti-bacterial properties for oral hygiene. This can help cure cavities, plaque and gum infections. Of course a great opportunity to reduce the risk of oral cancer.

4. Reduce the risk of diabetes

Inhibition of sugar absorption can be done by consuming coffee. The content of chlorogenic acid substances help this performance on increasing insulin formation. Experts have proven the disease of diabetes that occurs in a person, can be reduced by 50% thanks to the benefits of coffee.

5. Reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease and Dementia

Alzheimer's is one of the most common diseases that people aged 65 years and over. Coffee has been tested to improve the protection against diseases associated with degradation of nerve function.

6. Prevent Parkinson's

In addition to Alzheimer's, Parkinson's is one of the most popular diseases that cause degradation of nerve function in the human body. Consumption of coffee on a regular basis can increase protection against Parkinson's disease.

7. Improving Mood

Many people are unconsciously more passionate and cheerful when drinking coffee. Coffee is indeed one of the beverages that can improve a person's mood, not only that he can also give a correlation effect on happiness.

The Benefits of Coffee For Beauty

In addition to its benefits are good for health, coffee is often used as a medium of beauty treatments. Here are some benefits.

8. Coffee for face mask

Benefits of coffee is widely used for the manufacture of facial masks at beauty salons. Usefulness to make skin tight and remove dead skin cells. Coffee can be used as an anti-microbial cream for facial cleansers

9. Scalp treatment

According to research the content of caffeine in coffee makes it as anti-kerontokan. Antioxidants here that play an active role to keep the scalp.

10. Refresh the body skin

The benefits of coffee maximize the release of dead skin cells that impact on skin rejuvenation, so the skin looks always healthy and radiant. Just use a coffee-based scrub for skin care on a regular basis.

11. Use coffee for pedicure and manicure

Aromatherapy coffee powder helps clear black elbows and cracked kakai heels. In addition, coffee can also be used to improve skin firmness and to help maintain premature aging.

12. The coffee is very good to tighten the face

Many have felt how coffee grounds have an important role for beauty. Simply make the coffee dregs as a mask, it can increase the firmness of the skin to make it more easily maintained.

In addition to health and beauty benefits, coffee is also believed to help overcome and be the solution to various complaints and the info below.
  • Coffee can relieve stress and depression
  • Coffee is your best friend and relaxed friend
  • Coffee gives the effect of a holiday atmosphere
  • Coffee as a couple ("wife / husband") second
  • Coffee can be used to treat shortness of breath
  • The smell of coffee soothing effects.
In addition to the benefits above, of coffee must also be consumed with a reasonable MAXIMUM 2 GLASS 1 DAY For his efficacy can be felt maximally because coffee also has side effects are quite dangerous.

Coffee Side Effects

Here are some details of side effects of coffee that you must be aware of
  • Coffee can cause sleeplessness, the caffeine effect that causes it
  • Coffee can cause the heart to beat faster.
  • Not suitable for your consumption before or after exercise, because it can be dangerous
  • Not suitable in excessive consumption of pregnant women.
  • Prohibited for stomach acid
  • Prohibited for people with high blood
  • Prohibited for people with intestinal inflammation.
Coffee Consumption Tips

Here are tips on consuming coffee

Drink maximum 2 glasses 1 day
Avoid drinking at night, try no more than at 4 pm
Do not consume coffee with excess sugar
Try to drink coffee <3 hours after the make.
Such is the article of health benefits for health and also its role for various other health problems. I hope this helps.