Is Vitamin D Deficiency Causes Increase in Weight Loss - 10001healthy



Is Vitamin D Deficiency Causes Increase in Weight Loss

Vitamin D is called the sunshine vitamin because our bodies produce vitamin D when exposed to sunlight, vitamin D is one of the nutrients that are fat soluble and that the body produces when exposed to sunlight In addition, there are vitamin D in milk and other foods such as fish, tuna and egg yolks, cheese, beef liver, vitamin D is essential for strong bones because it helps the body absorb calcium from the diet, vitamin D is also known to provide immunity to the body, and protect them from various diseases.

Sun as the main source of vitamin D, sunscreen our work a great job in scaring people out of the sun, this technique is to avoid the sun as much as possible the culture and the emerging trend of spending more time at home during and businesses make a major contribution to the lack of vitamin D day.

Lack of vitamin D is thought impacts associated with the bone, such as rickets and osteoporosis, but studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency causes many problems related to health, lack of vitamin D and weight gain or weight loss is also related to a large extent.

The cause of vitamin D deficiency:
Vitamin D is produced in the body when the skin is exposed to sunlight, and the reasons that cause a deficiency of vitamin D.

1.alaah in areas not exposed to adequate amounts of sun and live in a very long period away from the sun.

2. Low consumption of vitamin D, the most important natural source of vitamin D and other animal products, milk, those who have milk allergies or those who hold fast to follow a strict vegetarian diet can be deficient in vitamin D, studies have shown that people with skin dark tend it is more than a lack of vitamin D than light-skinned.

3. The inability of the kidneys to convert vitamin D to its active form with age, their kidneys do not have the ability to convert vitamin D to its active form, which leads to a lack of vitamin D.

How does this lead to a deficiency of vitamin D weight? increase
Yes deficiency of vitamin D and weight gain associated with many scientific, a hormone in the body called leptin, and vitamin D work together to regulate body weight, is the production of leptin in fat cells in the body and sends a signal to the brain , which allows individuals with the knowledge that he / she is full and stop eating, vitamin D helps leptin to work properly and sending signals in an effective way, if someone is suffering from a lack of vitamin D, and got the signal and the body of a crash is again know that he has the full, making the foot of the causes of overeating is caused overeating people to become obese.

Many people do not realize that vitamin D deficiency has an adverse effect could be on their weight, obese people tend to be affected more than a deficiency of vitamin D than others since then, there is a correlation between obesity and vitamin D, obesity, lack of vitamin D and deficiencies vitamin D can lead to obesity.

Research shows that increasing levels of vitamin D in the body may help obese people lose weight and ordinary people to stay in good health, the absorption of vitamin D naturally from the sun, with foods rich in vitamin D or vitamin D supplements can help obese people lose weight body, vitamin D in combination with the hormone leptin, sending a signal to stop eating, and thus controlling your food intake, as it increases the metabolism of fat cells and reduce inflammation that leads to weight gain, vitamin D is essential to help maintain and manage a heavy meal, and older women who do not get enough vitamin D may be slightly heavier than those who do not.

Research Kaiser published online in the current issue of the Journal of Women's Health, saw more than 4,600 women between ages 65 and above for a period of four and a half years, the researchers found women with low vitamin D levels in their blood rose more than those with levels adequate vitamin.

Research has proven showed that women who had low vitamin D levels gained more weight.

So-called "sunshine vitamin" because most of us Amcunnint get it from sunlight, and helps vitamin D to keep bones and muscles, and maintain the central nervous system of our choice, but if you take too much can be toxic, causing nausea and vomiting and loss of appetite.

Although the sun is the primary source, vitamin D can also be found in dairy products and fatty fish and materials are enriched such as cereals and juices, but even with all these resources, have found previous research that women, especially older women do not get enough ,

Low levels of vitamin D, fatigue and weight:
According to a 2009 report in the "Archives of Internal Medicine", up to 77 percent of the American population is deficient of vitamin D, and this has become a source of concern is the health of the area is also associated with a deficiency of vitamin D for many symptoms and conditions , such as bone health and autoimmune diseases, cancer, obesity, fatigue, muscle weakness, with an increase in diagnosed cases Pains such as fibromyalgia, doctors such as Dr. James Dodd, an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Michigan state, and it is believed this may be a deficiency of vitamin D real diagnosis for many of these conditions.

What is lacking in vitamin D and the symptoms?
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble nutrients in the skin that the body produces naturally when exposed to UVB rays from the sun, can also be found in foods such as milk and oily fish such as salmon.

Vitamin D and fatigue:
he began to notice a decrease in health, he had symptoms of fatigue, arthritis, stiffness, said he made the decision to change his diet, lack of vitamin D causes fatigue and pain and increase the constant weight, not realizing at the time how it is a shortage of vitamin D prevalent, he began to see vitamin D levels of patients and treatment with vitamin D supplements, and went with symptoms of fatigue and pain go away in a matter of weeks for many patients.

Treatment of a lack of vitamin D:
the treatment of vitamin D deficiency should be under the supervision of a doctor, you should start by having a 25 - level hydroxy vitamin D blood taken and evaluated, if the results indicate that you are suffering from a deficiency, the doctor will start you on a treatment to achieve the level of blood in the optimal range, according to the researchers and physician Dr. Michael Horlick, which is the standard treatment for vitamin D deficiency is eight weeks of 50,000 IU of vitamin D once a week after this time, and once again be testing your level and will continue this session will be a good or a dose of vitamin D status

Studies and Research:
According to a study in the study Kaiser, researchers found that nearly 80% of the participants sufficient levels of vitamin D because it is a source of major vitamins is the sun, its researchers say women who are deficient in vitamin D may not spend enough time on the outside room, they also may have a nutritional deficiency.