Deficiency symptoms of Vitamin D. What are the Sources of Vitamin D. - 10001healthy



Deficiency symptoms of Vitamin D. What are the Sources of Vitamin D.

Learn the symptoms of deficiency of vitamin D. What are the sources of vitamin D.

What is Vitamin D: This is known as Arjukasifirol 3 (d) and cholecalciferol (D3) and know this vitamin as the sunshine vitamin. 50 years ago the doctors note that only a few children from tropical developing countries suffering from the disorder on the similarity of bones and teeth growth characteristics of the distortion caused by the disease rickets (Rickets), while many of the children children who live in the country's climate or the advanced industrialized countries suffer from this disorder in bones and teeth, why the difference between the others and the environment? The answer is that the reason is the sunshine vitamin (d) because the children in tropical countries are exposed to the sun throughout the year, and had the skin a substance known as pro - vitamin D (provitamin D) turns into vitamin D (vitamin D) thus, these children do not suffer from a deficiency of vitamin D at all during the sun's rays are present throughout the year and their skin contains substances that turns into vitamin d, not the symptoms of rickets disease have, while we find children in temperate regions are not exposed to the sun only slightly, especially during winter and because it does not you can configure their skin vitamin d sufficient, as well as in industrialized countries that filled with obscure air and prevent the coming of the sun's ultraviolet rays into the skin.

Sources of vitamin D in the diet:
Vitamin D in the cheese, butter and types of fish, and eggs, which are also made in the skin when exposed to sunlight

The Importance of vitamin D:
essential to help the body absorb elemental calcium and phosphorus needed for growth and dental bone after converting pro - vitamin (d) by sunlight, which crosses the heart, it turns into a chemical that is moving in the blood stream into kidneys, where it is transformed into another substance which is an effective image of the vitamin called Dai-hydroxy vitamin d, which helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency:
deficiency causes vitamin D  disease rickets for children, and since vitamin D is responsible for the absorption of calcium from the intestine into the body, the lack of this vitamin causes a deficiency of calcium in the bones, and the symptoms of the curvature of the disease rickets on foot and with the appearance of the beads in the ribs like a rosary, as well as delays in growing teeth susceptible to decay early. Lin also cause disease in older bones. And often Lin bone disease in women, pregnant women and nursing mothers. It was noted that a third of the residents of the Gulf states suffering from a deficiency of vitamin D.

Damage to increase vitamin D.
Vitamin D from vitamin is toxic if given in large doses without medical supervision. Symptoms include increased amount of vitamin D that it gets when it is used commonly used randomly, diarrhea, nausea, headache and a high proportion of calcium in the blood (hypercalcemia) which is a very serious condition because they cause deposition of excess calcium in the kidneys , heart and other tissues, causing serious damage.

The daily dose of vitamin D:

doses between 300-400 international units, equivalent to between 5-10 micrograms.

Functions performed by vitamin D in the body:
  1. It helps the absorption of calcium and phosphate from the small intestine, and re - absorption of. Calcium in college
2. Maintain blood calcium and phosphate.
3 sold. Deposition of calcium and phosphate in bone element, which works to strengthen the natural growth.
4 sale. Maturation of bone cells. ,
5. Turn on the immune system.
6. resistance activity of cancer cells.

The ratio of vitamin (d) in the body:
the level of vitamin D naturally must be 30 and over / Nano g / L or 75 nmol / l.

The reason for the lack of vitamin D:
- Lack of. Adequate exposure to sunlight
- Age reduce the base material consisting of vitamin D in the skin.
- Poor absorption of vitamin D in the small intestine due to the presence of the disease in the gut.
- Weight of causing vitamin combine (d) in fat.
- A lack of vitamin D in breast milk and advised the American Academy of Pediatrics provides vitamin D from the age of two months.
- Liver disease
- Kidney illness.
- Malnutrition.
- Patients taking epilepsy drugs.
- Genetic diseases in children due to increase secretion of phosphate in college

the required amount of vitamin D daily:
a) Newborn: 0-1 year old 400 IU.
B) Children: ages 1-13 years 600 IU.
T.) adolescents :. age 14-18 years 600 IU
C) Adults: age 19-70 years 600 IU.
d) The elderly: the age of 71 and over. 800 international units
with exposure to sunlight, but without exposure to the sun  1000 IU.

Studies on vitamin D:
Study confirms depression related to a lack of vitamin D.
A new study that a lack of vitamin D in the body contributes to the onset of symptoms of depression, according to the study, the researchers analyzed the data to determine the relationship between the level of vitamin D in the body and the symptoms of depression for 12, 600 participants from 2006 until the end of 2010. the researchers say that this study may help to explain the conflicting results of previous studies on the relationship between vitamin d and psychological depression.

The results showed that there is a correlation between levels of vitamin D in the body and lack of symptoms of depression, especially among those who have been hurt by the depression. Instead, there is a correlation between low vitamin D levels with the advent of more symptoms of depression, particularly among those with a history of depression.

The results of the study published in the latest edition of the May Journal of Medical Clinic, the doctor can assist in the evaluation of patients suffering from depression health.
Participants Researchers say the study: "Our results show the importance of detecting levels of vitamin D in patients with depression and also investigate the symptoms of depression in people living with vitamin D," according to a statement Dr. Sherwood Brown, professor of psychiatry at the University of Texas.

However, there are still questions about the relationship between vitamin D and depression, for example, can be a deficiency of vitamin D in the body's symptoms of depression? Or that depression causes low levels of vitamin D when the patient? This study does not address whether increasing the proportion of vitamin D may reduce the symptoms of depression. Brown said "we do not have enough information yet recommend eating vitamin dietary supplements."

This conclusion will add to growing body of research on vitamin onion (d) depression. The study, which took place in 2008 in the Netherlands, 10 282 people from the elderly to between 65-95 and found that people with low vitamin D which is close to the incidence of depressive symptoms.

While researchers continue to discuss the relationship, previous research has shown that vitamin D offers many health benefits, for example, a study published in the journal Neurology in 2010 showed that vitamin D can reduce the chance of infection and Parkinson's disease or Parkinson's disease. In addition to two recent studies conducted at the Center Heart Institute in Utah found that taking supplements of Vitamin (d) may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

When doctors recommend that people need to identify the proportion of vitamin D levels in the body to avoid injury of many diseases, the study concluded that the level of vitamin ratio (d) in the body can be indicative of other diseases suffered by the patient.

Vitamin D is effective in fighting cavities
A recent medical study is that vitamin "d" plays an important role in the fight against tooth decay by about 50 percent. He holds vitamin "d" health benefits are tremendous organizing calcium and phosphate in the body to strengthen bones and maintain healthy teeth and to deal with the risk of fracture in the elderly. With a deficiency of this vitamin causes the body to create a state of depression in some people. Commenting on the study, Cosmetic specialist founder Dr Sanjay Barchar and director of the medical center in Dubai said that the health of the teeth contribute to the creation of a smile reflects on the meaning of beauty, strength and confidence in which he discussed a number of major and routine vitamin "d" to keep teeth naturally do what reduces the need to use synthetic cosmetics industry  and other media tools.

Vitamin D helps prevent diabetes
reveal the journal "treatment of Diabetes Care" in a recent study published in the current month of October, for people who have high levels of vitamin "d" or D "" blood, whether eating rich foods or by exposure to sunlight, there less risk of developing type II diabetes, which often affects adults. This study, by researchers at the German Research Center for Environmental Health, that people who do not get enough vitamin "d" Whether eating or from other sources, which is at a great rate of diabetes type II "Type 2 diabetes mellitus".

The study attributed this effect, because the vitamin is "d" anti-inflammatory properties when it reaches the large blood levels, when small doses accumulate in the long term, stressing at the same time that the mechanism that prevents diabetes vitamin is not entirely clear yet.

Said Dr. Surand, one of those responsible for the study: "The lack of vitamin" d "is widespread among people today, because of the bad habits that we follow in our lives everyday, and get this in the winter, because lack of exposure of people for a long time to the sun due to the loss of many. " , He added: "If proven correct this study, we must strive to ensure that people get adequate amounts of vitamin" d "to prevent diabetes."

Stating that vitamin "D" or "D" are in abundance in a number of foods such as fish oil rich - eggs - dairy products, and as we can get through the time of exposure to the sun, where the ultraviolet radiation of separating the first component of vitamin "d "whip, which will be activated, and then will finish synthesized by the liver and kidneys, and can finally get it in capsules from the pharmacy.

Vitamin. D and sunlight in spending on lung disease
, The British newspaper "Daily Mail" revealed the study confirms that vitamin D is important for patients of TB, as it helps to strengthen their immune system. This matter
noting that most of the research in the nineteenth century has indicated that the sun's rays It also helps TB patients to recover and destroy lung disease rather than taking an antibiotic that destroys the immune system.
the newspaper reported on the results of a study conducted by Queen Mary University of London, which confirms that exposure to the sun beside the intake of vitamin D reduces the risk of lung disease, where eating vitamin addition to sunlight reduces lung infection which causes many serious diseases, such as tuberculosis.

The newspaper quoted the researchers as saying that vitamin D helps strengthen the immune system, which protects the body from disease, and protect it from infection without the use of antibiotics, noting that infection and bacteria capable of destroying some of the body's tissues and cells of the lungs that causes coughing, they move through the air and can be inhaled by others. In "Anna comfort" confirmed Professor British Medical Research Institute that the origin of the infection and inflammation is a lack of vitamin D in the body, making the body more susceptible to many diseases.

A lack of vitamin "d" increases the incidence of breast cancer
has recently revealed a new study conducted by a team of researchers at San Diego School of Medicine at the University of California, new information and a serious lack of vitamin level "d" and the impact on women. The study, which included nearly 1,200 women became a deficiency of vitamin "d" levels in the blood raises the likelihood of a woman developing breast cancer before reaching menopause tripled, especially when a lack of vitamin level "d" before the diagnosis of these tumors by approximately three month approx.

Findings in a recent study published in the journal "journalCancer Causes and Control", and so the website of the journal within twenty - four months from. January
Vitamin "D" or "D" exist in abundance in a number of foods such as fish that are rich in oil, such as the thickness of tuna, salmon and mackerel, as well as there are eggs and dairy products, and also can be obtained through exposure long enough sunshine in times the safe, where ultraviolet radiation by splitting the first component of vitamin "d" skin, because it is enabled, then the complete synthesized by the liver and kidneys, and eventually it can be obtained in the form of capsules from a pharmacy.

Excessive intake of vitamin "d" hurt the heart
of modern medical studies: taking pills containing vitamin "d" up to 2.5% in the blood cells, causing what is known as atrial fibrillation which leads to heart attack, especially in the elderly
vitamin "d" affects the health and efficiency of bones, teeth, muscles and plays a major role in regulating the levels of salts of calcium and phosphorus in the blood which is the main mineral component of bone, teeth and muscle