Therapeutic Benefits of Ginger And Food - 10001healthy



Therapeutic Benefits of Ginger And Food

Benefits of ginger, namely:

-. taste
- Helps to eliminate abdominal infection.
- Turn the hearts of the sulfur in the ginger, expel toxins, helps build the blood.
- Anti-nausea and dizziness.
- Helps to treat colon or mitigation of disease, because the balance of bacteria in the intestines that causes the disease.
- Improving the body's immunity, as this is found in the ginger 12 antifungal compounds useful for the body.
- Assist in the treatment of migraine (half - head).
- Helps eliminate insomnia and nervous.
- Helping to strengthen the memory and reduce their vulnerability.
- Assist the treatment of the eye (such as water blue and white).
- Treat asthma and respiratory diseases.
- Disease to treat colds and cold.
- Helps to treat genital tract diseases.
- Prevent freezing in cold regions the private sector.
- Treat diseases of the joints.
- To treat or reduce gout (disease of kings.)
- Helping to treat (sciatica), pain accompanying .
- Prevent blood clots in the blood vessels and thus helps the blood to expand and this is very useful for blood pressure and blood clotting disease disease.
- If mixed with milk is a compound that is very useful, because it helps the body digest lactose found in milk

Studies and research on ginger

Ginger is a way to get rid of excess weight and body toxins
urges components containing the secretion of gastric juices and improving bowel movements A
recent studies have shown that ginger can play an important role in weight control and health of the stomach and intestines, as well as to be an anti-inflammatory and toxic and lend a wonderful man.
Are you a fan of Ginger or not, you should consider adding more ginger to your diet naturally vegetarian ingredients that are beneficial for health in general, and the digestive system in particular.
previous studies that the Institute of Nutrition at Columbia University reported that the addition of hot ginger food makes a person feel full quickly and reduce the desire for food later.
The results of recent studies have shown that eating ginger generate body heat increases and reducing the feeling of hunger, supporting role in the diet to lose weight. the
Researchers believe that ginger components urgent secretion of gastric juices and improving the movement of intestinal muscles and helps the movement of food through the digestive device to waste disposal.
He said Joyce bone tumor Erie doctor of integrated Medicine University of Maryland Center of America "could be a pregnant woman eat a small dose of ginger (less than 1000 mg) for a short time during pregnancy."
also proved to be an alternative newspaper study was recently published and complementary medicine effects of ginger in relieving menstrual pain and drink as much of it after being soaked in water and add some honey or lemon to white. he mention that, in addition to trade in the market, plus tea, ginger sold well blow - dry or in powder form, which can be added to certain foods to get the same health effect is useful for people who do not like the taste of a hot drink

Ginger treat irritable bowel inflammation
French study revealed that the ginger plant effective influence inflammatory bowel treated, noting that eating 2 grams of ginger in the form of powder a day reduces irritable bowel inflammation and works to soothe the intestines.
They say that the ginger rich set of active substances are dealing with many diseases, counselors by adding 50 grams of ginger, half a cup of boiling water, leave to cool and then add a teaspoon of vinegar and drink when feeling the pain from the gut.

Ginger ease aches and pains
Study may help to eat ginger to relieve muscle pain caused by exercise - intensive, according to. new research
Centuries ago used ginger as a home treatment for a variety of illnesses, such as coughs and colds and abdominal pain, but a new study has revealed that ginger is very good to avoid muscle pain.
it is believed the professor Patrick O'Connor, University of Georgia, who led the study of this treatment that ginger might be better than anti-pain medication.
he said, "something that can ease this pain will be welcomed by people who are experiencing severe pain."
This study also showed that eating the amount of ginger a day reduced pain by 25 percent. This is known as Ginger chemical features work the same way - such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, like ibuprofen and aspirin.

Ginger reduces the risk of colon cancer
shows a new study that the food and Eastern dishes that contain ginger plant can reduce your chances of colon cancer. The
study reported that he had been hired thirty volunteers gave 15 of them Grameen root ginger pills for 28 days.
Show experience beyond that period signs of decline has colitis, a condition associated with colon cancer, compared with 15 other volunteers who were given a placebo.
He said the researchers from the Medical College of American University of Michigan Thus, ginger can be used for the prevention of colon cancer.
he specialized in alternative medicine, which relies on natural substances produced Therapeutics, said that interest in this case will increase at a time when people are looking for a non - toxic ways to prevent cancer and improve the quality of their lives in. how expensive
it is important that the colon cancer kills 16 thousand people a year in Britain, more than breast or prostate cancer.

Ginger plays an important role in Weight Loss
WASHINGTON (Agencies): A recent study has shown that ginger which plays an important role in weight control and health of the stomach and intestines, as well as to become a. Anti-inflammatory and toxic and lend a beautiful human
According to a study for the Institute of Nutrition at Columbia University are on the addition of hot ginger brand of food a person feel full quickly and reduce the desire for food later. The results showed that eating ginger modern generate body heat increases and reducing the feeling of hunger, supporting role in the diet to lose weight. the
Researchers believe that ginger components urgent secretion of gastric juices and improving the movement of intestinal muscles and helps the movement of food through the digestive tract until they are eliminated waste.
Doctors said Joyce Erie bone tumor of the Integrated Medicine Center at the University of Maryland in the United States "can a pregnant woman eating small doses of ginger (less than 1000 mg) for a short time during pregnancy."

Ginger lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood
in a study conducted by Dr. Amal El Bastawisi, a professor of food science and technology Agricultural Research Center, in collaboration with the National Cancer Institute to determine the effect of the use of the methanol extract of ginger as a source of important compounds were effective and most importantly Gangrol in the development of atherosclerosis and that a study of its impact on both the level of cholesterol in blood serum and lowered studies triglycerides found a reduction in substantial and significant in the levels of both total cholesterol and triglycerides , and an increase in improvements to increase at a rate of addition of ginger extract for high - food cholesterol. The study also confirmed that the methanol extract of ginger have a high effect oxidation deterrent force.
This study also confirmed that consumption of a diet that extracts of ginger reduce the progression of atherosclerosis disease significantly, it also increases the side effects of atherosclerosis by reducing the accumulation of cholesterol mobile in animal experiments, the effects of which are related to a significant reduction in the levels of both total cholesterol and low - density protein, triglycerides

More powerful than Viagra to treat erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation ginger
A scientific study recently on an important and interesting about the information ginger, which was the beverage of choice among many, and the effectiveness of aphrodisiac big and sexy with the partner, in addition to its basic role in the treatment of erectile dysfunction and stimulates circulation blood into the penis.
It noted that learning in the same time the need to exclude pathologic causes first before using it for this purpose, such as heart and blood vessel disease, such as high-pressure bleed as well as diabetes and adverse effects on the nerves. The researchers pointed out by a recent paper titled "The herbs used to enjoy good health and well-being," that ginger is one of the best herbs that are used to improve blood circulation in the penis and the extension of veins in which helps the flow of a larger amount of blood in the interior of the cave, thus contributing to the end to strengthen erections. The researchers also found that the material "gingerol" contained in ginger stimulates the contraction of the blood vessels that contribute to stimulate the blood circulation and the arrival of adequate reinforcements from the blood into the penis. Ginger also stimulates desire in men and women, matched dramatically in women, increases the feeling of partner and sexual pleasure is one of the most important stimulus thanks to the sour taste and distinctive smell, which has a catalytic effect beautiful. It warned of the use of ginger in patients taking anticoagulant drugs such as warfarin, fear the possibility of bleeding, as well as the case of insulin for the glucose - lowering drugs, and may result in the incidence of severe low blood sugar.