The Benefits of Aloe Vera for Health - 10001healthy



The Benefits of Aloe Vera for Health

The Benefits of Aloe Vera for Health  - Benefits of aloe vera is very much, aloe vera useful for hair, skin, acne, even to be used as a natural medicine in some parts of the human body. Please note aloe vera  . Aloe vera is a kind of plant that is known can be used as a natural remedy for the outside of the body or for the inside of the body such as hair fertilizer, wound healing, and used for skin care.

Benefits of aloe vera is often used as an alternative ingredient against various complaints of the body inside or outside. The more famous aloe vera is to make the Egyptians call aloe vera plant as a plant of immortality.

The benefits of Aloe vera that we can first categorize for the health of the human body. It can be used for a variety of complaints, either inside the outside or inside the human body. Given the benefits of health is very extraordinary then the people are increasingly turning to natural and alternative medicine. If we summarize and in fact the benefits of aloe vera plant among others is as follows.

1. Alkalization of the Body

Alkalization is a process of maintaining the acidity of the human body, the food we consume has an acid content. Ideally the consumption of foods containing this acid is 20% for foods that have acid levels and 80% for general foods that do not have acid levels.

Aloe vera juice is one of the foods that are alkaline. Consumption of aloe vera juice can help alkalize our body or balance the acidity of the food we consume.

2. Body Immune System

Just like the benefits of mahogany fruit, aloe vera juice also contains many antioxidants that can fight free radicals contained in the human body. Free radicals are unstable compounds that are a side effect of metabolism and contribute to the aging process as well as cause various dangerous diseases. When we drink aloe juice regularly, the body will have the antioxidants needed to fight free radicals and boost our immune system to be more resistant to disease.

3. Remove Toxins / Detoxification

Aloe vera juice can be a natural choice to detoxify or remove toxins in the human body. Increased unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking, junk food, stress, and pollution make us need 'cleansing' of various toxins contained in the body. Aloe vera juice is an ideal way to do this because it contains many elements of vitamins and minerals that can help the body cope with stress and daily tension and minimize toxins in the body

4. Reduce Weight

What does aloe vera have to do with weight? Consumption of aloe juice will help the body naturally to cleanse the digestive system. An unhealthy diet that can cause abnormalities in the digestive system will be neutralized by this aloe vera juice. The perfect digestion will help you maintain the balance of consumption and smooth the process of defecation, in addition to the aloe vera can also filling.

5. Cardiovascular Health

Cardiovascular health is inseparable from heart and circulatory problems in the body. Several studies have shown that when doctors inject aloe vera extract into the blood, it drastically improves the ability of red blood cell diffusion as well as oxygen transport. Aloe vera has nutrients that can regulate blood pressure, increase blood oxidation and circulation to smooth, lower cholesterol and make blood thinner

6. Amino Acid Source

Our bodies need 20 different amino acids to build proteins and do not have the ability to produce 8 of these amino acids independently. Because aloe vera juice contains 7 of the essential amino acids and 19 total amino acids, it is able to easily meet the needs of everyday amino acids of our body.

7. Fight Inflammation

Aloe vera juice has 12 different substances that can reduce and prevent inflammation, and the whole of the substance without the risk or side effects. Aloe vera can even help for problems of swelling, stiffness or joint pain. 

8. Helps the Digestive System

A healthy digestive system is needed to ensure that we are able to absorb all the nutrients that are fed through the food we consume. In addition to natural detoxification capabilities, aloe vera juice can improve protein absorption and improve bowel functional functioning.

Aloe vera can also reduce the amount of friendly yeast and bacteria found in our intestines. It can also reduce digestive problems such as heartburn. In addition to aloe vera, the benefits of vegeta is one solution to treat the digestive system.

9. Sources of Vitamins and Minerals

Every day our body needs some vitamins and minerals. Aloe vera juice contains a lot of vitamins and minerals needed by the body. Here is the list:

Vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin E.
Niacin, folic acid, chromium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper, potassium, iron, sodium, calcium and others.

10. Helping Diabetes Patients

Diabetes is one of the most dangerous diseases that occur due to unhealthy lifestyles. The benefits of aloe vera, among others, can help diabetics. Aloe vera juice can help regulate blood sugar in the body. There are studies that have been done and show improvement in glucose levels when diabetic patients drink aloe vera juice.

Why is that ? At least in aloe vera there are 3 of these compounds:
  • Lectin
  • Mannans
  • Anthraquinones