How to Prevent and Release Gray Hair Quickly - 10001healthy



How to Prevent and Release Gray Hair Quickly

How to Prevent and Eliminate Gray Hair - White hair or gray hair grows on the heads of grandparents. But gray hair is not always related to age, because many also young people have gray hair. The real tattoo between black hair, not just because of polished or colored. Why does this happen?
Have we met with someone who was relatively young but his hair has grown gray here and there. From the medical side, gray hair does not actually affect the health of the body. But, would be a little disturbing appearance.

How to Prevent and Eliminate Gray Hair

Avoid Stress
Excessive stress can reduce vitamin B12 reserves. If this vitamin is drained, can result in white hair grow faster.

Reduce use of Preservatives & Chemicals
Foods that contain msg, preservatives, dyes, synthetic sugar and various other chemicals also affect the health and beauty of hair. Similarly, the use of shampoo, hair oil, hair dye that can carelessly penetrate into the pores of the scalp to change the production of hair pigment.

Eating foods rich in iron
Iron deficiency can cause graying. Iron helps the body produce melanin-related dye in the hair. Serve seafood, especially crab, spinach, lemon and mushrooms that have a high iron content.

Protects the cleanliness of the scalp
The results of research done by the dermatologist of the world show that dandruff is among the triggers of graying. Wear anti-dandruff shampoo or lemon juice as an alternative natural choice to get rid of dandruff. Dandruff is gone then Far away gray.

Eating-food has protein content
Foods containing protein such as wheat, beans, meat, fish and chicken. Vitamin. A, B, iron mineral, zinc is very useful against gray hair. Vegetables of cauliflower, cabbage, yogurt, liver, beef and almonds provide the necessary nutrients for hair. Consuming protein makes the hair structure glowing, naturally by either restoring the pigment and getting rid of gray.

Stop Activities unplug Gray hair
Often people revoke gray hair as white hair appears to adorn the hair. Although in fact, it is not recommended to remove gray hair because it is bad for health. Hair grows under the scalp where there are many nerves inside it therefore pulling out the hair although white can irritate the nerves and result in nerve marks that produce undisturbed hair color.

Eating foods that have copper content
Crabs, shells and sunflower seeds have the necessary copper content to produce melanin. Copper deficiency affects the production of melanin and results in the appearance of gray hair. As more melanin prevents the possibility of growing gray hair
Quit smoking
Of course not the same water that has the power to dissolve and dispose of various sources of disease in the body, cigarettes is a collection of sources of diseases wrapped in such a way. Did you know if toxins contained in a cigarette can cause damage to all sides of the body calculated from the hair and between the effects of smoking, including early aging. Gray hair and wrinkles appear earlier if you do not want to stop smoking routine.

Use of Shamphoo / Hair Oil that has been old / Expired
The use of shampoos, hair dye, and hair oil that can arbitrarily smooth the appearance of gray hair. That's because these substances can seep into the scalp and change the production of hair pigment so be careful when choosing the use of chemicals in the hair.

How To Get Rid Of  Gray hair In The Hair Quickly:

Coconut oil
Rub a mixture of coconut oil and lemon juice on the hair. Knead and leave for 15 minutes before rinsing.

Candlenut Oil
Rub the pecan oil on the hair. First roasted pecan then mash until it removes the oil. Apply to hair and let stand for 15 minutes before washing.

Papaya Seeds
In ancient times kings used some natural hair dyes made from papaya seeds. The trick with roasted papaya seeds first then pounded until smooth then add coconut oil. Apply to all sides of the hair and do this treatment regularly once a week.

Yogurt is bitter
Mix one gram of black pepper or ground coffee with 100 grams of unsweetened yogurt. Then smoothly onto the scalp and hair and then wipe with warm water and shampoo after one hour. Do this details every week to get good results then not only get rid of gray hair, this mix can make your hair glow and avoid dandruff. In addition, black pepper makes hair more black and coffee keeps hair color.

Apply Pumpkin Juice
A mixture of pumpkin juice with sesame oil or olive oil helps hair to be healthier, luminous and not thin to avoid graying hair.

Wearing tea leaves
Strain the tea and mix the tea leaves with a teaspoon of salt. Sprinkle over your head and hair for an hour and then wipe with water. Work every day in 10 days then your hair will be free from gray hair.

That tips How to Prevent and Eliminate Gray hair in Hair may be useful.