Eliminate Black Spots on the Face Natural - 10001healthy



Eliminate Black Spots on the Face Natural

Eliminate Black Spots on the Face Natural - Having a beautiful face and clean is every woman's dream. But because of the hot weather factor makes the face look dull because of the dust and dirt on the face, so sometimes cause black spots on the face. Black spots is one of the beauty problems that are often experienced by women. Besides caused by dirt and dust are attached, black spots can also be caused due to heredity. The problem of black spots on the face is certainly very disturbing appearance. Many ways can be done to remove black spots on the face. Here is how to remove black spots on the face using natural ingredients include:

Cucumber Skin
To remove black spots on the face with cucumber skin the way is by rubbing the cucumber skin on the face that there are black spots, let stand for a few minutes then wipe with warm water. After cleaning with warm water then rinse with cold water. Warm water is used to remove dirt on the face by opening the piston, while the cold water to shrink the pores back so that dirt and dust does not stick to the face.

Lime or Lemon
Lime and lemon have many benefits, one of which is for skin care. Lime and lemon can be used to remove black spots on the face. How to apply lemon juice or lemon on the face that there are black spots. Do it regularly for maximum results.

Mothers can also use bananas to remove black spots on the face because bananas serve to accelerate the regeneration of dead skin cells. The way to smooth bananas using a blender, then use a banana that is soft sebgai face mask. Let stand for a few minutes then wipe with water. In addition to utilizing bananas, mothers can also take advantage of banana skin to remove black spots on the face. Way by applying a banana skin on the face that there are black spots. Do this regularly for maximum results.

Some ways to remove the black spots on the face naturally above may take quite a long time to achieve the desired results. But if the mother really does it regularly and painstakingly, then the results will be seen in a relatively faster time.