Excessive body hair during pregnancy - 10001healthy



Excessive body hair during pregnancy

You are pregnant and you think that the hair on the face and body begin to grow more than ever before, and they began to appear where they just should not be?! We will try to explain to you why this is happening and how to deal with excessive body hair during pregnancy.

You may have heard that at the time of carrying a child on the head hair becomes thick and this beautiful.Growth hair on the head often causes unpleasant woman, but if you start to grow hair on the chin, above the upper lip, cheeks, or in the stomach, here women started to panic! Do not worry! This is perfectly normal and, most importantly, - temporarily!

caused by pregnancy, hair growth usually begins at the end of the first trimester - that's when women began to realize that they have a new hair on the face, chest, abdomen, arms, legs, back and other places that do not desirable.Fenomena is due to increased hormone sexual

To get rid of excess body hair during pregnancy, you can use techniques such as repeal electrodepilator hair, waxing or just shave them (although on the face of it is better not to do) .But it is better not to use hair removal creams or other chemical means to remove hair penetrate the skin deep into the follicle hair. No studies that have proven the safety of these funds to the fetus, has been carried out, so that no one can say for sure - they affect the child or not.

There are special drugs that do not remove unwanted hair, but only slow the growth of them.This is called "panic", but clinical trials of the drug with the participation of at least one pregnant woman has not been, so to speak about safety during pregnancy, we can not.

There are also a number of creams, hair growth slows made based soy.Is you think that if those plants, that means really secure?! Maybe we will disappoint, but this cream contains plant hormones that are not good for women pregnant.Although source- official sources creams are approved for use by pregnant women.

If you want to get rid of excess body hair during pregnancy is not timely, and forever, then you can use the laser, electro or photoepilation.Care brings long-term (or permanent) effects and is considered safe for the mother pregnant. only one thing they rather expensive and not always painful.other than that, for maximum effect is necessary to go through several procedures (usually the course includes 4-6 procedures), so please be patient! If you do not touch the hair appears and you have during pregnancy, then after 6-9 months after birth, they usually disappear on their own.
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