5 Changes in Skin So Signs If Your Body Is Not Healthy - 10001healthy



5 Changes in Skin So Signs If Your Body Is Not Healthy

The body you have is a valuable asset, so you have to take care of it and take good care of it. But you've never felt anything strange on your body especially in the skin like pimples appear in unusual places, also bruises that never get better?

Apparently it appears not without reason. Yes, the body always has a way to signal that your health condition is not good. One of them signs through skin changes.

If you grow acne or dry skin you may feel it is normal, but now it should not be left alone. As a precaution before it's too late, here are some signs of changes and skin disorders that could be a sign that your health condition is not good

1. Acne on the chin and jaw

2. Pale Skin Color

3. Strange lumps in the armpit and groin

4. Yellow Skin Color

5. Itching