Benefits of Rice Flour For Health and Beauty - 10001healthy



Benefits of Rice Flour For Health and Beauty

Benefits of Rice Flour For Health and Beauty - Rice flour comes from rice that has been crushed into a flour that can be utilized in various fields such as beauty, health and ingredients to make a delicious cake. This is because rice flour can be used as a substitute for wheat flour because there are a small number of people who do not match the use of wheat flour that is gluten-oriented. Gluten is a collection - a collection of proteins contained in flour. The rice flour has the same content as the original rice:

Carbohydrates are one source of energy for the body. Energy is needed to burn calories in fat when your body performs activities such as sports.
Iron serves to help red blood cells bind oxygen to prevent anemia.
Calcium is good for your bones and prevents elderly diseases osteoporosis.
Protein for beauty is useful to help regenerate dead skin cells to be replaced with new skin cells that are more supple and bright.
Vitamin C is good for dealing with canker sores and deep heat.

So the content of this rice is very useful for skin beauty so many who use rice as a natural mask. The benefits of rice flour as a mask for skin beauty include:

1. Reduce black spots

You have black stains that disturb the appearance on the face? Yes sometimes black stains on the face can be caused by two factors that is wrong in having cosmetics. Cosmetics that are not suitable for the skin can cause black spots on your face. Second, the age factor if the age of a person increases then the skin regeneration becomes slow so it can cause black spots. To prevent and also reduce black spots on your face, try natural ingredients such as rice flour. For use it can be done twice a week at home. If you have free time can be used both during the day and night.

2. Absorb oil on the face

Oil production by the oil glands on the face aims to moisturize the skin. However, if oil production is excessive this will certainly raise many problems on your skin. Skin problems that generally arise due to excessive oil production on the face are blackheads, whiteheads and acne. Rice flour also has a good vitamin C content to absorb excess oil in the face. Vitamin C is naturally good for the skin so its use keeps your face moist without drying. Because if your skin becomes dry is also not good for appearance due to problems such as skin scaly.

3. Acne

Acne is a common problem that occurs in adolescent adolescence. Acne can be caused due to hormonal changes from within your body. It could also be due to the genetic factors of the parents. There are many ways to get rid of acne either with the help of a doctor's prescription or using a natural way. The natural way has an advantage in terms of affordable price, safe with no side effects. One of the natural ingredients that are believed to be long ago to help remove acne is rice flour. Because rice flour has protein compounds that help the healing process of acne more quickly.

4. Skin glowing

Furthermore, the benefits of rice flour that is not less important for beauty is to make skin look radiant. Which woman does not want to have radiant skin. Having a luminous skin takes effort and real work. Ranging from expensive treatments using night and day creams. Diligently visit a beauty clinic that offers skin glow in no time. It's just that for the security and the composition of the product. But there are safer natural ingredients of rice flour. If you want to try it you can make your own at home.

5. Tighten facial skin

Rice flour is made as a mask for face is also useful to help tighten your skin. Facial skin tone is useful to overcome premature aging due to exposure to free radicals in the air. Waken skin will make you look more ageless than the actual age.

Well that's some reviews about the use of masks from rice flour to get your skin healthy, well groomed and radiant.

How To Make Rice Flour For Beauty

Rice flour is made from real rice that has undergone a previous process which is also done manually. The steps - steps to make rice flour following his review:
  • Provide enough rice.
  • Clean the rice with washing 3 times.
  • Soak rice for one night and then lifted and mashed. Can be the traditional way or by using the machine.
  • Rice that has been mashed then called rice flour.
  • Rice flour is then given a rose water that had previously been left one night. Stir until blended and then rounded.
  • After rounded rice flour dough was dried in the sun until the sun hardened.
  • After hardening the rice flour for beauty can be used as a mask to beautify the face.
  • The use of rice flour for beauty can be done twice a week and can be used before bed until morning.
The Benefits Of Rice Flour For Health

Rice flour also has health benefits to keep your body healthy and fit. Here are the benefits of rice flour for your health:


Having an ideal body shape like a model would need a way and a special trick. Starting from the selection of healthy foods and sports are also routinely performed. Diet should be done in the right way so as not to bring a negative impact later on for your health. Healthy lifestyle every day is done and eat three times a day. But make sure that the calories that go into your body according to your daily needs. Calculations about a healthy diet ideally. Is height - 110 = result. That result will be the ideal weight for you. Consumption of foods made from rice flour was not going to make you fat as long as the consumption is done as needed. The need to execute your everyday tasks.

2. Digestion

Having digestive problems is associated with an irregular bowel process every day. The digestive system requires uptake of foods rich in vitamins and minerals that can nourish the digestive system itself. Because the digestive system is very sensitive to unsuitable foods. An example is diarrhea caused by food that enters the body is already infected with a viral infection that causes diarrhea. Consumption of foods made from rice flour can help nourish the digestive system during consumption in accordance with the amount needed by your body.

3. Rich in fiber

One more benefit of rice flour for health is to provide fiber for your body. The function of fiber for the body is very much one of them is to launch your digestive system. Fiber is not only found in fruits and vegetables but also in rice flour. Filling fiber intake for your body will help smooth your digestive system.

So review the benefits of rice flour for health that can address some of your long-term health issues. Always remember that health is more important than anything you want to achieve. Because if not healthy it is impossible to achieve your dreams.