The outer shell of the body not only protects against all kinds of influences Alforeigh.algeld cause many complex tasks that it was time to leave the body Mstqlh.alkadhi recipe for yourself: adults average surface area of the skin - 2,000 feet, and the cerebral cortex is not an area exceeding 1,670 meters. Leather is 280 thousand. Hot and cold receptors, at least one million nerve endings, tactile receptors 500,000 and 3 million. the sweat glands ...
When saving for our winter warm clothing (even hand to protect, wear gloves gloves), is a person, they say, "open to all winds". So, facial skin requires gentle care and care for the beauty and health of skin with vitamin mask
With vitamin Face: Why and for whom?
For better and longer to maintain good condition and healthy appearance of the skin, first and foremost, you need to get all the necessary vitamins the body is a special diet Bk.aly For example, if it becomes dry and the skin begins to peel, and skin you quickly grow rough and there are cracks, after which obviously is not enough vitamin A (retinol), which is involved in
A redox processes, regulated protein synthesis, increases metabolism
Skin collagen synthesis (forming the basis of nerve tissue protein of connective tissue) without slowing vitamin C (ascorbic acid) antagonist against oxidation (antioxidants) and certain enzymes in the metabolic processes Aljsm.ohnak need powerful antioxidants, vitamin E (tocopherol acetate) to work naturally from the immune system, and circulatory system, and the supply of cell and tissue repair.
Strengthening internal immunization to pack the skin should be tested by using tools such as face masks with Alvitaminac.alvitaminac A and E - fat soluble, and in pharmacies without a prescription can buy their oil solution - in a capsule or Alhakn.vitamen C is water soluble and Alekhol.atalq command in the form of powders, tablets, clothing, capsule - as a solution of 10% and 25%, or 10% of the sodium salt of ascorbic acid .
Mask with Vitamin E Face
Adding a vitamin E capsule (all you need to pierce the capsule and put pressure on content) in the usual local mask will help improve skin elasticity, reduce unwanted rash and eliminate wrinkles in the most vulnerable places - from the outer corner of the eyes and mouth ,
Facial mask with vitamin E prepared immediately before nourishing mask, and including wrinkles restart: oily cream (30-40 g), cocoa powder (10 grams), and wheat germ oil (10 points), jojoba oil (10 points) O2 3 drops of oily solution of vitamin E mixed all the ingredients right, the resulting mass in the face with the application and held for 20 minutes ,to do more than 2-3 times a week.
If you have dry skin mask with vitamin E for someone who would have the effect of renewing, if you are set on the basis of cheese. (Ideally - the home page) We need two tablespoons of cheese mixed with two tablespoons of olive oil and vitamin E. dripping 5-7 drops applied to the face mask is very thick, and held for 15-20 minutes and wash off with water
With Vitamin A Facial
Vitamin A is needed in adult skin care: activates natural collagen production and increase swelling Algeld.oguenah with vitamin A is very effective, because this vitamin is free - through the channel of fat and sweat glands - penetrate all the layers of the skin. very useful for the mask with the onset of cold weather.
Dry skin nourishing mask is very useful with retinol: a tablespoon of sour cream is better to take the same amount of aloe juice and 5-10 drops of Vitamin A (oil solution) All mix thoroughly, perched on the face and Alrqubh.oukt care - not more. quarter of an hour, and then wash the mask off with warm water.
Mask with vitamin A for people with oily skin is Bzlk.oola, prepare herbal infusions or boiling most recommended for oily skin herbs - mint, peppermint, chamomile, horsetail . taken boiling water a tablespoon of dry grass , bring to a boil, remove from heat and infuse for 15-20 small amount of boiled herbs mixed with oatmeal - added to 10 drops of almond or grape seed oil and 5 drops of vitamin (a) , you can add the contents of one capsule) . hold for 15 minutes and then washed off the broth remains of plants.
Face mask with vitamin C
Vitamin C and even come in the form of a solution, but professional cosmetics that air original characteristics of this vitamin - said to protect the skin from UV rays and reduce pigmentation - fast Vqdt.lhma reason, it is almost never used in the local mask hides Alsna.ovi beauty salon with vitamin C facial is done in the presence of pigmented spots remain.
In its natural form, ascorbic acid is found in many fruits and vegetables, so the homemade mask with vitamin C is best to cook with fruit Tazjh.aly For example, for oily skin is a very good mask with vitamin C (which is contained in all orange) and cosmetic mud cosmetics Alowhit.alasar one fresh orange, mix with two tablespoons of clay and put on clean skin for 20 minutes and then wash off with water
Bear in mind that all citrus fruits contain large amounts of alpha acids that have peeling properties, so often do not like this mask and protect the skin cream after them.
Mask with vitamin C to the face can be done using the "Chinese gooseberry" - Alkioa.ihtoa fruit is a record amount of vitamin C - 92 mg per 100 Gram.oadha, it has vitamin E and B6 and B9, so this vitamin is perfect tone mask, moisturizes and smooths out any this mask is simple, good enough to mix one teaspoon of oil kiwi and juice - olive or almond, add one egg yolk V.eetm mass produced on his face mode, after 15 minutes of easy movement (with minimal pressure) to remove the disc with the help of cosmetic fat,better to replace egg yolk beaten egg whites, and a reduction in the amount of oil spoon.