The Benefits Of Raw Garlic - 10001healthy



The Benefits Of Raw Garlic

The Benefits Of Raw Garlic-Can you eat schizophrenia garlic uncooked? The answer for most people is not, of course, although avoiding some people to eat garlic raw as a result of the sharp taste and strong odor emitted who intake, but its benefits obvious encouraged to use it and use it to relieve the symptoms of many diseases and disorders and treatment

What are the benefits of eating raw garlic? 

Diseases addressed by garlic
antidote to poisons:
Mash the five cloves of garlic, and mix a cup of honey dissolved in boiling black bean and drink it immediately and repeats the morning and evening, after it is cured , God willing.
Rub the garlic oil and place of pain that was from a snake venom, or the stomach from the outside if Sama drink.
Disinfectant for the stomach:
swallow on an empty stomach garlic cloves , a clip, and after drinking a cup of fennel local honey, and repeats daily for a week.
Solvent for cholesterol blocker of stroke:
while taking a lunch place daily in power as much as two lobes  and dealt with the power a day .. preferably if I continued to do so and as of vegetables daily power with the rest of the food.
Garlic and effective treatment for blood pressure .. but then stops discipline him so as not to reduce the pressure, which has a drop in pressure does not use garlic as much as possible.
Diuretic and urinary antiseptic streams:
boiled barley Gallia well and after that cools the 3 cloves garlic , mashed mixes, and drink it on an empty stomach daily with a lot later than drinking fluids and lemon juice, and beware of gaseous fluids.
Eliminate amoebas, dysentery:
take pill after cutting a day after each meal for a week, it eliminates the amoeba, preferably if the patient drink a tablespoon of olive oil afterwards.
To poor digestion, gases and colic:
Drink pear juice mixture in which three cloves of garlic a day before going to sleep, or at a time with abdominal colic paint mixed with oil , garlic olive oil.
For the treatment of typhoid:
cut five cloves of garlic and mix into hot milk sweetened with honey and drink before going to sleep with the spine of the patient and the parties mixed with oil , garlic in olive oil paint, and in the morning garlic inhale steam for five minutes.
Putrefying sores:
 even though this was a painful .. but it prevents the grace of God gangrene that may lead to amputation of the member and the Almighty God forbid.
Also it can disinfect wounds mix minced garlic in warm water and cleans the wound so the water kills all microbes and germs.
For alopecia:
taken garlic paste them (as much as a teaspoon) of gunpowder even be black, then slashed alopecia sterile blade until the blood seems then placed the ointment and the wounds it, do not repeat this process more than five consecutive days until you die alopecia and hair grows again ( fitter).
Stronger cure for rheumatism:
hammering after the peel garlic , then knead in honey with a spoon until it becomes a smooth circuit such as paints after mixing it together, then placed a poultice on the position of rheumatism from evening until morning visits .. .. .. Twice ends completely rheumatism , God willing.
The nerves:
cut clove of garlic and swallow it with hot milk drops of amber per day on an empty stomach, it strengthens the nerves and  completely.
To eliminate the influenza virus:
Drink orange and lemon juice milled in seven cloves of garlic, juice drink it on an empty stomach daily with boiled garlic steam inhalation before going to sleep .. After once or twice so strange treatment
swallowing garlic clove after each dish with garlic juice drink with lemon , garlic and steam inhalation it is marvelous in the treatment of general cold diseases.
Try to:
taken five heads of garlic, grated, then kneaded in the fat of sheep or cow or buffalo, and applied to the place of scabies from the evening to the morning after a hot bath and hold successively for a week, it purifies the body completely.
To break up kidney stone:
take lemon juice and olive oil , "and a handful of parsley (chopped leaves) from each one of the three as much as a cup, and garlic half cup (mashed) and mix it together, and taken him to spoon before going to sleep a day, followed by a drink of water.
knock three heads of garlic, then kneaded in apple vinegar and packaged in glass vials and leave for a week in the sun and then painted afterwards the head with a massage for a week you 'll spend it on the crust and lead to smooth the hair also with a note of fat with olive oil then after week.

The nutritional value of garlic:


0.630 mg


1,200 mg


310 mg


30 mg


1.930 mg


20.8 g


6.3 gm


0.060 mg


0.230 mg

vitamin C

13 mg

How garlic loses its nutritional value:

When using garlic for cooking and add it to dishes to give them the delicious taste of garlic and known, it must be going through falsehoods and peeling or chipping , making it lose a lot of nutritional values. Volatile components of garlic, raw  contains the characteristics and properties more than once cooked garlic chopping garlic slices or deal with him in any other way of cutting it releases powerful enzymes, which meets for the work of antioxidants, which increases the health benefits. A study showed that the sulfur compounds found in garlic need ten minutes to volatilization Once chopping garlic.

Prohibitions garlic:
large  of garlic cause heartburn mouth, especially during pregnancy.
- Fresh garlic may cause agitation and ulcers when the direct - to - skin contact with mucous membranes.

Studies in eating raw garlic:
garlic eliminates the common cold: scientists prove Finally, the scientific evidence, the benefits of garlic in the fight against common colds. It has been shown to them that the people who take daily tablets or pills of garlic extracts, which are sold in pharmacies and stores, they are less susceptible to colds or flu, common almost doubled. The significance of the new scientific discovery in that it demonstrates for the first time the scientific evidence for what people know about the advantages of multi - old in the fight against diseases and their symptoms and abilities of garlic. The secret power in garlic is a substance within the composition known as  Alacin, the main biological material produced by that plant garlic, and have the ability to reduce the incidence of common colds by more than half.

Garlic increases the risk in patients with AIDS:
warned a new study published in "Clinical Infectious Diseases" magazine that garlic may be dangerous to the health of AIDS patients and their lives because of the negative impact and disable allocated for this disease treatments , despite the many benefits known for researchers at the National Institute of Allergy infectious diseases that garlic , which is commonly used because of the belief that it reduces cholesterol levels in the blood that increase because of some AIDS treatments, reduces the levels of medication  in the blood to very rich material , but they cause indigestion sometimes, and irritate gastrointestinal, or irritation in Urinary tract . So you should avoid doing it too much or avoid eating infected by intestinal disorders such as lazy stomach and weaknesses, or renal insufficiency.

Raw garlic is good for the heart
, US researchers confirmed that garlic protects the heart from disease condition after eating raw grounded, and pointed out that cooked him lose a lot of its properties.
The researchers and exhibitors at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Connecticut in Farmington , USA , the prevailing belief that the benefits of garlic caused by his riches array of antioxidants.
Kay said  Das and his colleagues to raw minced garlic and newly generate the amount of hydrogen sulfide through a chemical reaction process.
They noted that despite the fact that this article (hydrogen sulfide) known  unpleasant, but it works as a signaling chemical in the body, arteries and allow blood to flow greater than the amounts.
Das explained that the cook garlic lose its ability to generate hydrogen sulfide.
The researchers deliberately to give the raw minced garlic and fresh group of rats in the laboratory, and garlic cooked for another group, and have studied the extent of recovery in the hearts of rodents after exposure to artificial heart attacks.
Das said in a statement that garlic cooked and reduced damage to the heart as a result of lack of oxygen, but the fresh garlic effect was greater with respect to the return flow of sufficient quantities of blood in the aorta and increased pressure on the left ventricle of the heart.

Garlic a natural painkiller
in spite of avoiding some of the people eating garlic raw because of the sharp taste and strong odor, but the health benefits are encouraged to use it to ease the symptoms of many diseases and pains, and the benefits of garlic are limited to a health standpoint, but also aesthetically it includes also through its benefits for the skin and hair, as well as its effective role in reducing the weight, and in the following  some benefits: - strengthen the body 's immunity, it has been proven through studies that garlic antibiotic, kills the germs that cause tuberculosis, diphtheria, and in some cases was more effective than antibiotics. - Lower blood pressure, which proved to be the subjects of Alolsin and Aloguin holes on garlic are working to reduce high blood pressure and thus  atherosclerosis. - Fight infections of the tonsils, mouth and gum infections through Dlkha or chewing a piece of garlic, and works painkiller for toothache. - Treatment and improve the situation of chronic diseases, it has been proven that regular intake of garlic reduces significantly the rate of cholesterol and blood pressure and diabetes . - Used as a disinfectant for wounds and a lot of skin diseases and fungal infections. - Treatment of diarrhea through its effect cleanser for the digestive system and intestinal tract, can also be boiled for the treatment of abdominal colic and kidney stones. - Research has shown that eating garlic during pregnancy prevents the occurrence of pre - eclampsia.

herewe draw attention tolot of eating garlic generates itching and hemorrhoids and spoildigestion and causeburning sensation instomach and intestines and esophagus. If exceededstorage agenoteaten andseverity increases and smell.