Symptoms Of Magnesium Deficiency And What Are The Most Important Sources? - 10001healthy



Symptoms Of Magnesium Deficiency And What Are The Most Important Sources?

What the body needs it the most is the integration of different nutrients inside, and balance, it is important to be vitamins and minerals inside the body 'presence in accordance with the normal and moderate rates, Lack of any element of the important body elements or increasing displays of human to disease, and many of the health problems that unnecessary The most important elements that are essential for the body it is the element magnesium.

What is magnesium? Magnesium is considered one of the most important elements within the body, Vamonysiom is a type of mineral salts, which is the fifth mineral elements present in the human body in terms of quantity, where resides magnesium in abundance within the cells of the body, especially inside the bones, to the number of jobs necessary and important, it contains the body of an adult between 20 g to 28 g of magnesium.

The importance of magnesium:
1 - Magnesium works to maintain the nervous system and strengthen the human body, it also works to facilitate the work of this important body organ.
2 - magnesium helps in manufacturing and the work of the protein inside the human body.
3 - The presence of magnesium element naturally by the body helps to reduce the risk of heart disease and serious arteries.
4 - Magnesium lowers as well as the high level of cholesterol in the blood and increases the good cholesterol and useful.
5 - magnesium helps to strengthen bones, prevent many serious diseases , most notably bone osteoporosis.
6 - magnesium prevents premature birth of a pregnant woman, and that his presence helps the body in constant load and stability in the first months.
7 - Also magnesium helps to reduce high blood pressure, prevent blood clots as well.
8 - Magnesium is one of the most important prevention of dental caries factors, where magnesium maintains a large proportion of calcium teeth, which protect against caries.

Magnesium deficiency:  suffers some people from magnesium deficiency, it is true that the percentage of Algsabh this problem is not great, but many suffer from this problem for several reasons.

Magnesium deficiency causes:
1 - The incidence of various kidney diseases of the main causes of a lack of magnesium.
2 - some different digestion problems affecting the absorption of the stomach to the element magnesium, which causes a deficiency in the body.
3 - disorders caused thyroid deficiency in magnesium as well.
4 - The substance abuse and alcohol causing injury and decrease the proportion of magnesium deficiency.
5 - decrease the proportion of magnesium also has older persons.
6 - frequently antibiotics, or medicines for the treatment of diabetes, and cancers.
7 - excessive consumption of materials and soft drinks, which reduce the body 's absorption of magnesium.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency:
1 - Magnesium deficiency causes pain in various muscles in the body, particularly muscle and back pain that extends to the neck.
2 - severe pain in the muscles of the legs to the point that the patient can not move or walk.
3 - twitching eyelid.
4 - persistent cold hands and feet without an apparent reason.
5 - repeated emotion, anger and unjustified.
6 - feeling tired and fatigue.
7 - quivering legs.
8 - mood swings.
9 - lack of calcium in the body, resulting in the incidence of tooth decay and osteoporosis.
10 - cause coronary artery spasm magnesium deficiency, and increases the risk of heart disease.
11 - patient infected with sleep disorders, constant insomnia.
12 - loss of appetite, difficulty eating, as well as nausea and vomiting.
13 - constant feeling of thirst.
14 - incidence of chronic constipation.

Natural sources of magnesium:

1 - vegetables: vegetables contain a large and well - magnesium ratios, and the most important of these types of spinach, cabbage, and cabbage.

2 - dark chocolate: contains dark on a large proportion of magnesium chocolate.

3 - Bananas: Bananas provide a large amount of magnesium, where banana contains 32 mg of magnesium.

4 - Whole grains: are considered whole grains such as wheat and oats of the most important natural resources and health , which contain magnesium.

5 - figs: is powdered magnesium important that care must be taken continuously addressed sources figs.

6 - fish and seafood: try eating different types of fish to get the benefit of them.