Why Flu Dangerous? - 10001healthy



Why Flu Dangerous?

Why Flu Dangerou? _ nfluenza is a disease of the most contagious disease is caused by a virus ,which infect both birds and mammals usually causes strep pneumonia private breathing in case of non-treatment caused the death of the symptoms of this virus cough, muscle aches, fatigue, headache, pharyngitis move their type virus by air or exposure to spray sneezing and coughing patients Beah also introduce viruses into the body through the mucous membranes in the eyes, nose, and mouth the words influenza taste of Italian influence where it is common that the epidemic caused by the effects of the stars there are five races of influenza virus c, B, and Aasaveros and Abedotoveros branching pattern of the first virus A to subtype vary depending on the type of surface protein subtype, subsections (A (H1N1 and (A (H3N2 are currently infected  human beings and present in many parts of the world types the third is less frequent as the current vaccine for influenza does not include non only the first and second patterns.

Incidents often influenza winter Beach infected each year is estimated to reach 100 million people prevents many people to do the job and their children from going to school to become an acute viral infection that spreads easily from person to person can be infected by any particular group age climate zone is one of the serious public health problem that can cause serious cases cause serious satisfy a large economic burden and loss of productive forces and restrictions on services, especially health so anti-flu vaccination and safest solution winter.

Symptoms of the flu and why it is dangerous:
Characterized  suddenly rising temperature levels of patients infected with a dry cough, headache, muscle and joint pain, nausea, malaise, runny nose, sore throat difficulty breathing and chest pain and face and sinusitis and a sense of pain in the throat and the common cold symptoms with the appearance of skin rash that occurs subsequent to the neglect of treatment the number of serious complications, including cough that can not control it has changed in chronic diseases of old and chronically ill chest and a weakened immune system complications most important  in children with a high fever and pneumonia - in adults there is no drug to treat influenza but the deal a number of antibiotics to relieve symptoms by relying on home remedies and drugs reduce heat and remove bottlenecks healthy balanced diet and warm fluids and rely on vitamin C drink warm lemon also antiviral drugs that reduce severe complications of the disease after onset of symptoms for 48 hours

How to prevent the influenza virus:
Influenza prevention cases better than cure, especially when a pregnant woman who can not take medication during pregnancy, according to the World Health Organization shows that influenza vaccination is the only solution to prevent the spread of the epidemic group vaccination thus laying the pregnant and people old is greater than 65 years and children aged 6 months to 5 years and the health field workers and people with chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and respiratory diseases, lung and high blood pressure.

There are no side effects to the vaccine influenza vaccination but are not given to people living with the infection of the nervous system of white or personal and chronic allergies vaccinated each year decreased mortality with him and begin the work of antibodies in vaccinated after two weeks of eating vaccination.