What are the Causes of Acne on the face - 10001healthy



What are the Causes of Acne on the face

What are the Causes of Acne? Talk about acne is like no end. Many women experience quite a few obstacles with their appearance thanks to the presence of acne that is hard to get rid of. Admittedly, the problem of acne is actually not just a simple matter. There are a series of problems that can be the cause of stubborn acne and continue to appear on your face.

That's why if you want to apply facial treatment to free your face from acne, it's important to find out exactly what face problem is the background of acne on your face.

If you focus only on acne alone and ignore the factors that cause acne, it is difficult for you to completely combat acne complaints. This is why many women complain that they have spent a lot of money to buy a variety of creams and facial treatments but never work on their faces. Acne still appears and damages the appearance of their faces.

What are the factors causing acne on the face?

1. Hormonal factors

Acne is very familiar with the issue of hormonal imbalances. When there is dominance of certain hormones in a person's body there will be a stimulant to the function of oil glands that produce excess oil on the face. Usually this case occurs in women and adolescent women when androgen hormones appear excessive.

Then there is also a decrease in thyroid hormone function that causes immunity and the opposite of the bacteria to decrease. Meanwhile, the body decreases the production of collagen and glutathione, so the skin is susceptible to irritation and acne infections.

Usually in cases like this, you have to overcome the complaints of hormonal imbalances first new can alleviate acne complaints completely. Because as long as your hormonal complaint is not solved first, acne will continue to appear especially towards PMS.

2. Factor excess toxin

Some people are used to eating junk food, soda, energy drinks to smoke and drink alcohol. Habits of life and unhealthy diet above proved to cause the composition in the blood to be unbalanced and increase levels of toxins in the body.

Increased levels of toxins in the blood will cause immune function to decrease and cause cell oxidation that can stimulate excess oil production. High levels of toxins also lead to decreased production of collagen and glutathione are important to help maintain skin elasticity and endurance against infectious and inflammatory attacks.

In these conditions, you can only help deal with acne complaints by clearing the levels of toxins in the blood. Expand to consume foods with detoxification ability for optimal results cleanse toxins in the body.

3. Damage factor of liver and kidney function

Actually when there is a decline in liver and kidney function, the levels of toxins in the body also increases. So when you experience a decrease in liver and kidney function then you can also experience complaints as the body has increased levels of toxins in the body due to wrong consumption habits.

Because the liver and kidneys essentially serve to neutralize the toxins in the body by producing a number of enzymes and perform some filtering functions and removal of toxins through the urine.

In these conditions, you should increase the consumption of hepaprotective food to help improve liver performance and stimulate the function of enzyme production in the liver. As long as health in your heart you can not fix, acne complaints will often appear. Some opinions say that acne that often appears in the area of ​​the nose and chin can be an indicator of decline in liver and kidney function.

4. Digestive complaints factor

Those who have complaints on their digestive system are also shown to have a tendency to experience acne complaints. Digestive complaints can be gastric acid complaints, irritation complaints to peptic ulcers and often someone experiencing constipation.

When a person is constipated, the toxin and the rest of the metabolism that should come out with feces, stuck and sometimes re-absorbed in the body. It increases the levels of toxins in the body and triggers the usual problems when the levels of toxins increase.

Medium when there is inflammation of the digestive or gastric acid complaints, the body lacks nutrients as well as disruption of the balance of the immune system that triggers the face susceptible to acne.

5. Stress and fatigue factors

Another view of the cause of acne is stress. According to Matthew Hoffman, MD, of WebMD said that stress is the biggest cause of acne in men. Men tend to be more difficult tolerant of stress, and often run excessive activity while the body lacks time to rest.

Physical pressure and emotional stress is the cause of the production of cortisol hormone that triggers the slowdown