15 Benefits of Face Acupuncture for Beauty and Health - Currently acupuncture may have become one of the alternative methods of treatment and health that much-loved by the people of Indonesia. Besides being caused by the price of medicines and also the cost of the hospital is very expensive, acupuncture can also solve more than one health problem.
Acupuncture for Medicine
The benefits of facial acupuncture The joint is a traditional art of Chinese medicine that uses emphasis on certain body points to drain positive energy. Has the utility to nourish and also cure the symptoms of the disease.
Currently it has been popular acupuncture methods on certain body parts, such as:
This is in line with theories about the center of the body, which is spread over almost all parts of the body. Not just in the brain.
Usually acupuncture is performed by using pressure at point-specific point by using a kind of needle implanted on the skin. In addition there are also other techniques, namely acupressure similar to acupuncture, but is accompanied by massage - massage on certain body parts.
Acupuncture on the face
Acupuncture on the face has many benefits, especially for beauty and also benefits to the health of organs. What are the benefits? Here are the benefits of facial acupuncture:
1. Brighten the face
The first benefit of facial acupuncture is to keep the brightness and also to brighten the face. What you will get after doing acupuncture on the face is the face feels fresher and also will give a bright effect on the face.
2. Maintain healthy skin
Benefits of facial acupuncture health can help you in maintaining the health of your skin, especially facial skin. Positive energies that enter into your facial skin will cause healthy facial skin. In addition, the skin pores will also be more optimal in absorbing all forms of nutrients and vitamins are good for skin health
3. Cleanse the face
With a healthy skin that is maintained, the face will always look bright, and also always looks clean. That means your face will be clean from stains and black spots and acne scars on your face.
4. Relieves dizziness and headaches
Acupuncture since antiquity is often used as a means to heal and treat dizziness and headaches. Certain points on the face can stimulate the nerves to become more relaxed and teang. With this, the headache and dizziness that you experience can heal and disappear by using acupuncture techniques.
5. Anti aging
In addition to its benefits to maintain skin health, acupuncture is also believed to be able to prevent premature aging. With a fresh skin condition, premature aging can be prevented, and can be one alternative to anti-aging cream that may not fit your skin condition.
6. Relieve nausea and abdominal pain
Acupuncture on the face can relieve the nausea and abdominal pain you experience. This is because one of the acupuncture points on the face has connections to your stomach. Therefore, all things related to pain in the stomach most likely can be overcome by using facial acupuncture techniques.
7. Treat and prevent acne
The benefits of acne facial acupuncture can cope to prevent and eliminate acne coming back. There are many acupuncture clinics that can prevent and treat acne by performing acupuncture techniques on the face. This of course can increase your confidence, and add charm to your beauty.
8. Smooth digestion
One of the acupuncture points on the other face leads to the gastrointestinal organs, such as stomach, intestine and kidney. By applying acupuncture to that point. Then this will help optimize the function of the digestive organs, and the effect is to facilitate digestion and eliminate and prevent all kinds of digestive disorders.
9. Maintain the health of the liver / heart and prevent the emergence of liver disease
Just like some other benefits, one of the points on our face has a connection to the liver or our heart. So, by doing acupuncture at that point, it will maintain the health of the liver or our liver, and can prevent the emergence of dangerous liver diseases, such as liver cancer and hepatitis.
10. Maintain a balance of hormones in the body
Acupuncture is done on the face can also help us in balancing the hormone content in the body. As already known, in our bodies contained a lot of hormones, so when the hormone conditions are not balanced, will occur abnormalities hormone that adversely affect the health of our body as a whole.
11. Maintain heart health
Another point on the face that is used as a guide method of acupuncture on the face also leads to the heart. This will result in increased heart work, as well as a well-preserved heart health. This will prevent the emergence of heart attacks and coronary heart disease that is harmful to your body.
Acupuncture for Medicine
The benefits of facial acupuncture The joint is a traditional art of Chinese medicine that uses emphasis on certain body points to drain positive energy. Has the utility to nourish and also cure the symptoms of the disease.
Currently it has been popular acupuncture methods on certain body parts, such as:
- The sole of the foot
- The chest
- Stomach part
- The back
- The face
This is in line with theories about the center of the body, which is spread over almost all parts of the body. Not just in the brain.
Usually acupuncture is performed by using pressure at point-specific point by using a kind of needle implanted on the skin. In addition there are also other techniques, namely acupressure similar to acupuncture, but is accompanied by massage - massage on certain body parts.
Acupuncture on the face
Acupuncture on the face has many benefits, especially for beauty and also benefits to the health of organs. What are the benefits? Here are the benefits of facial acupuncture:
1. Brighten the face
The first benefit of facial acupuncture is to keep the brightness and also to brighten the face. What you will get after doing acupuncture on the face is the face feels fresher and also will give a bright effect on the face.
2. Maintain healthy skin
Benefits of facial acupuncture health can help you in maintaining the health of your skin, especially facial skin. Positive energies that enter into your facial skin will cause healthy facial skin. In addition, the skin pores will also be more optimal in absorbing all forms of nutrients and vitamins are good for skin health
3. Cleanse the face
With a healthy skin that is maintained, the face will always look bright, and also always looks clean. That means your face will be clean from stains and black spots and acne scars on your face.
4. Relieves dizziness and headaches
Acupuncture since antiquity is often used as a means to heal and treat dizziness and headaches. Certain points on the face can stimulate the nerves to become more relaxed and teang. With this, the headache and dizziness that you experience can heal and disappear by using acupuncture techniques.
5. Anti aging
In addition to its benefits to maintain skin health, acupuncture is also believed to be able to prevent premature aging. With a fresh skin condition, premature aging can be prevented, and can be one alternative to anti-aging cream that may not fit your skin condition.
6. Relieve nausea and abdominal pain
Acupuncture on the face can relieve the nausea and abdominal pain you experience. This is because one of the acupuncture points on the face has connections to your stomach. Therefore, all things related to pain in the stomach most likely can be overcome by using facial acupuncture techniques.
7. Treat and prevent acne
The benefits of acne facial acupuncture can cope to prevent and eliminate acne coming back. There are many acupuncture clinics that can prevent and treat acne by performing acupuncture techniques on the face. This of course can increase your confidence, and add charm to your beauty.
8. Smooth digestion
One of the acupuncture points on the other face leads to the gastrointestinal organs, such as stomach, intestine and kidney. By applying acupuncture to that point. Then this will help optimize the function of the digestive organs, and the effect is to facilitate digestion and eliminate and prevent all kinds of digestive disorders.
9. Maintain the health of the liver / heart and prevent the emergence of liver disease
Just like some other benefits, one of the points on our face has a connection to the liver or our heart. So, by doing acupuncture at that point, it will maintain the health of the liver or our liver, and can prevent the emergence of dangerous liver diseases, such as liver cancer and hepatitis.
10. Maintain a balance of hormones in the body
Acupuncture is done on the face can also help us in balancing the hormone content in the body. As already known, in our bodies contained a lot of hormones, so when the hormone conditions are not balanced, will occur abnormalities hormone that adversely affect the health of our body as a whole.
11. Maintain heart health
Another point on the face that is used as a guide method of acupuncture on the face also leads to the heart. This will result in increased heart work, as well as a well-preserved heart health. This will prevent the emergence of heart attacks and coronary heart disease that is harmful to your body.
12. Treat and prevent the appearance of kidney stones
Kidney stones are one type of disease that causes the kidneys can not function optimally and perfectly. The benefits of facial acupuncture for health at one point, then the functional conditions of the kidneys can be maximized properly, so that interference in the kidney can be overcome and prevented.
13. Accelerate blood circulation
Acupuncture, not only on the face, but also acupuncture on the whole body has a very good benefit for blood circulation in your body. This will be very useful for you, because:
- Blood supply to organs becomes more optimal
- Prevent the occurrence of blockage of blood vessels
- Optimal function of the organs in the body
14. Good for the health of the pancreas
The pancreas is also one of the important organs in the body, which is also connected to the acupuncture points on the face. Therefore, the benefits of acupuncture on the face also has a very good benefit to maintain the health of pancreatic organs that we have.
15. Provide a relaxing effect
The last benefit of acupuncture, especially on the face is to provide a relaxing effect on the face, and also on the whole body. This will cause the nerves to not become tense, and more relaxed. This is a direct benefit you can get after doing acupuncture.
Those are some important benefits of facial acupuncture. Hopefully this article useful.