10 simple tips to beautiful skin Ageless - 10001healthy



10 simple tips to beautiful skin Ageless

 10 simple tips to beautiful skin Ageless

All girls would want to look beautiful. Girls willing to do anything aja so that their appearance looks always charming. Being pretty is easy, you can use a variety of makeup tricks that can be learned on Youtube. The difficult thing is to keep your beauty so durable until old age someday.

For girls who rely on faces and beauty as a source of income, such as artists for example, having a youthful face is important so they are not rarely willing to spend hundreds of millions for botox and other beauty treatments. Well, what about those who have a mediocre capital?

It turns out to have a youthful face that is not necessarily always with an expensive budget, you can try these 10 ways to get a youthful face.

1. Give relaxation time for body and mind
Recent research has shown that stress can cause physical changes in the body that can accelerate aging. The increase in the hormone adrenaline and cortisol can cause blood pressure to rise and the heart beats faster. The days that we live cause stress in our lives whether it's because jobs, financial problems, congestion and urban pollution also increase adrenaline and cortisol that interfere with our physical and emotional health.

According to Herbert Benson, MD director of the Benson-Henry Institute for Medicine: 60 to 90 percent of the diseases doctors find each year are always associated with anxiety, depression, obsessive rage, insomnia, high blood pressure and heart attacks where all of these illnesses are caused by stress.

The most effective way to stop this destructive chain of events is by trying to meditate. A 2005 study conducted at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston showed that meditation helps prevent age-related changes in the brain.

What to do: Once or twice a day, for 10 to 20 minutes you sit in a quiet place, close your eyes, relax your muscles, head, neck, and shoulders, then take a deep breath and tell yourself "all is Well ". Repeat the words until your mind feels calm. Feel the rhythm of body organs that work in the body, thank the self that has been struggling hard in life.

2. Get enough sleep
Stress in work and daily routine is what turned out to trigger the emergence of skin problems. Because everything that makes our minds are under pressure is not good for the skin. Irregular sleep patterns and poor sleep hours cause skin cells to be unable to regenerate maximally. If you want to stay young, enough sleep is one of the things you must do. Sleep 8 hours a day. This will help the skin regeneration process perfectly and maintain skin elasticity.

3. Sports
Exercise is important to maintain health, help you lose weight, maintain muscle flexibility, build bones, improve mood and help clear thinking. The study, cited by the National Institute on Aging, shows the relationship between physical exercise and better brain power. Walking 10 minutes a day lowers Alzheimer's risk by up to 40 percent.

In addition to helping reduce stress, exercise also helps maintain youthfulness and health of your skin. Exercise involving all members of the body such as yoga, pilates, and others can make your skin look brighter as this exercise can increase blood pressure and encourage blood to the skin. This means the skin has more oxygen and nutrient intake. At least do yoga at least 2 times a week or exercise at least 10 minutes every day.

4. Consuming enough water
Our bodies are mostly water. Therefore it is important to keep the intake of water in the body with lots of drinking water. With a lot of drinking water at least 8 glasses each day, can help keep your skin moist. Consume lots of water will make the intake of water in the skin is fulfilled so that the skin does not relax, remain elastic, and looks brighter. So if you want to have a youthful skin, do not be lazy to drink water yes!

5. Eat fruit that contains vitamin C
One fruit that contains a lot of vitamin C is a fruit of Pomegranate. Eating pomegranates can help protect the skin from UV damage. In addition, this fruit can also lower cholesterol and blood pressure, delay atherosclerosis, and help reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

5. Eat fruit that contains vitamin C
One fruit that contains a lot of vitamin C is a fruit of Pomegranate. Eating pomegranates can help protect the skin from UV damage. In addition, this fruit can also lower cholesterol and blood pressure, delay atherosclerosis, and help reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

In addition to pomegranates, there is the original Tibetan fruit Goji Berry that offers 500 times more vitamin C than oranges and is rich in antioxidants. This fruit is also believed to have anti aging content is good for skin health. If both fruit are hard to find, you can consume lemon. Lemon juice also contains high vitamin C so it can increase the production of collagen in the body that can prevent skin relaxation.

6. Cleanse the skin
Diane Kruger who is one of the most beautiful artist in Hollywood stated that her secret looks youthful is diligent to clean the skin. Cleansing the skin here means do not use makeup while sleeping. Makeup that sticks to the face for too long can cause skin pores clogged causing skin and acne problems.

Before going to bed, clean the makeup with cleaning milk, then wash your face with soap or baby soap if your skin is classified as sensitive skin. After that just apply face toner and mask.

7. Consuming green tea
Green Tea has recently been called a magical plant because it has many benefits for health, including helping prevent bladder, intestinal disease, and lung cancer. In addition green tea also contains 30-40 percent polyphenols, which is much larger than the amount of tea content in general.

Polyphenols are compounds that have high antioxidants that are able to ward off free radicals trigger wrinkles on the skin. By consuming green tea can help slow aging on the skin, especially in tropical countries rich in this pollution.

8. Using Moisturizer and Sunscreen
If asked what the hell Korean artist's artist can always look ageless as never experienced aging skin? They reveal the secret of youthful is to use moisturizer in the morning before applying makeup and at night before bed.

As for those of you who have a solid outdoor activities do not forget to use sunscreen that can protect you from exposure to UV rays. This sunscreen is a priority in the makeup list you must have. Often exposed to UV rays can cause the appearance of wrinkles and also make uneven skin tone. Do not forget to use suncreen before starting the activity.

9. Reduce sugar consumption
Like sweet food or drink? It turns out the food and drink yag sweet in the mouth is not sweet on the skin. Eating lots of sweet foods and drinks can affect the levels of collagen in the body. So causing your skin to become slack and unhealthy again. The right percentage to consume sweet foods is 20%, while the remaining 80% are healthy foods rich in fiber and vitamins.

10. Use quality makeup
For the good of facial skin, you should not often try to make up and easily affected by ads that promise smooth and white skin results quickly. Facial skin is the most thin and sensitive skin that requires special products and protection. We recommend that you select a makeup product made from natural ingredients environmentally friendly so it is safer for the skin. Do not easily tempted a cheap price because the product is not necessarily safe for your skin.