The impact of the danger often eat salty-briny/Lot Salt - 10001healthy



The impact of the danger often eat salty-briny/Lot Salt

The impact of the danger often eat salty-briny/lot salt - Address most of us have a lot of salt. Can raise blood too much salt, which makes the pressure which increases the risk of injury to health problems such as heart disease and stroke. But it can help a few simple steps to reduce salt intake.

You do not add salt to food to be too eat - 75% of the salt we eat is in everyday foods such as bread, breakfast cereals and ready meals.

High-salt diets can cause high blood pressure, which affects about a third of adults now.

There are often no symptoms of high blood pressure. But if you have, you are more likely to develop heart disease or stroke.

Reduce salt lowers blood pressure, this means reducing the risk of stroke or heart disease progression.

For tips on how to reduce salt, read the tips for less than salt diet.

Foods containing salt

Some proportion of high-salt foods are almost always due to the way that makes them.

Other foods, such as breakfast, can put a lot of salt in our diet. But this is not because of the proportion of high-salt foods always is - but because we eat a lot of them.

high-salt foods

Here are foods with a high proportion of salt is almost always. To reduce the salt, take a little time or in small quantities:

• Small fish

• A meat

• cheese

• gravy granules

• Olive

• pickles

• shrimp

• Salami

• Dry roasted and salted peanuts

• salted fish

• smoked fish and meat

• soy

• stock cube

• yeast extract

The food can be high in salt

In the following foods, salt levels can vary widely between brands or varieties Mokhtlvh.hma means you can reduce the salt brand comparing and selecting at least a kind of urgency. nutrition labels can help you with that.

These foods include:

• bakery products such as cakes, cookies

• Pasta Sauce

• potato chips

• pizza

• takeaway

• soup

• sandwich

articles related
healthy alternatives to food
understand calories
• sausage

• ketchup, mayonnaise and other sauces

• breakfast cereals

What is the amount of salt necessary for adults?

Adults should not be dealing with more than 6 grams of salt per day - about one teaspoon Kamilh.enbga that children eat less of it (see below for tips for infants and children).

Of course, an easy way to eat less salt to stop adding salt to your food when cooking and at the table. If you regularly add salt in food while cooking, try to split or add less quantity. Will re-discover the true flavor of your favorite foods. When you sit down to eat, enjoy your meal in advance to see if it needs salt.

Use the nutrition label to determine the level of salt

reduction of salt added is only a small part of the solution. The decline in real, you need to be aware that the salt is already in everyday foods you buy, and select varieties that are less salt.

Fortunately, I made a nutrition label on the cover of this food is much easier now. Most of the food is coated by feeding on the back or side of the package mark.

It offers a lot of information about food salt level in the front of the package. The salt level can appear as a percentage, or feed him information color coded to indicate whether the food is low, medium or high salinity. When using color codes, Red means this food Mrtfh.tnol way out while in some cases, set a target to eat foods that are green (low) or yellow (especially the media).

To view the amount of salt per 100 g:

• High more than 1.5 grams of salt per 100g (0.6g sodium). The food is perhaps a red icon.

• Low 0.3 g or less of salt per 100g (or 0.1g sodium). these foods may have a green icon.

If the amount of salt per 100 g, 0.3 g and 1.5 g, and the average level of salt, can be color coded yellow packaging.

As a general rule, choose foods that are low or moderate salinity. Leaving food is a high percentage of salt contains for temporary use.

For more tips to help you choose foods that contain less salt ratio, see a low - salt diet.

Salt and sodium in your food

It is also called sodium chloride salt.

Sometimes, do not provide the nutrition labels, but no sodium. But there is a simple way to deduce the amount of salt you eat this amount of sodium:

• salt = sodium × 2,5

Infants, children and salt

Had to get babies and children under the age of 11 accounted for less salt than adults.

Children under the age require years to less than 1 g of salt a day, because their kidneys can not cope with more. If breastfeeding a baby, you will get the right amount of salt of dairy milk Ida.ihtoa same amount.

Do not add salt to milk or baby food cubes and do not use broth or gravy because they often contain high levels of salt. Remember this when you are cooking for the whole family if you plan to offer the same food for your baby.

Avoid giving your child processed foods such as ready meals which are often high salinity. However, you must comply with processed foods specifically for babies required level. When in doubt, always check food labels.

Supports maximum recommended amount of salt that should be handled by children every day on their age:

• 1 to 3 years, 2 grams of salt per day (0.8 g sodium)

Parent • 4 to 6 years old - 3 grams of salt per day (1.2 g sodium)

• 7 to 10 years - 5 g of salt per day (2 g sodium)

• aged 11 and over - 6 grams of salt per day (2.4 g sodium)

Make sure that your child does not eat too much salt means you also help you to make sure that does not evolve to have a taste for salty foods, which make it less likely to eat much salt as adults.