Rookery kiwifruit skin and beauty benefits - 10001healthy



Rookery kiwifruit skin and beauty benefits

Fruit is native to China is actually more popular all over the world, because thousands of people were conscious of the high content of nutrients and a variety of kiwi fruit for its health benefits. Not only rich in folic acid, and other vitamins and minerals, and kiwi fruit contains a lot of prebiotic turned out good for the health of the digestive tract and skin beauty. Well, if you're a woman, you want to take kiwifruit to meet the needs of pregnancy at a later date

Back to the issue of beauty. It turns out that the benefits of kiwifruit are also great for the skin, which means to keep you beautiful and youthful naturally. It means abroad beautiful,  skin and wrinkle-free - do not just take care of the outside, but from the inside by satisfying the needs of good nutrition, especially for the skin is also not to be missed. Advertising furry brown fruit that is very nutritious - rich in vitamins and minerals, making it one of the super fruit for health. But did you know about the benefits of kiwifruit skin?

Here are some reasons why kiwi fruit is great for your skin beauty care!

Rich in vitamins and minerals: China not only as a place of origin of kiwifruit, farmers from several others, such as New Zealand, the United States, and South Africa to increase the production of kiwifruit for export due to growing demand worldwide. Kiwi fruit is a source of antioxidants, especially vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin A, vitamin vitamin plays a key role in maintaining the health of the skin and reduce the signs of aging. Here are some reasons why kiwifruit is very beneficial for your skin:

Contain collagen: Collagen is the substance that gives elasticity, flexibility, and fresh. So that the body can produce collagen, it requires vitamin C to convert  amino acids and hydroxy to. Kiwifruit is the highest fruit contains vitamin C as oranges and strawberries, which is about 85 mg per fruit. Vitamin C is essential for our skin, because without it our bodies would not be able to get collagen.

Prevent damage by free radicals: As we get older our skin, we will start to lose its elasticity - this is due to the damage caused by free radicals in the skin cells. Antioxidants are naturally occurring chemical compounds that are known to neutralize free radicals before they can cause cellular damage. If the body enough antioxidants gained, then the rate of the aging process can be inhibited. In this case, kiwi fruit is rich in natural vitamin C - is one of the most powerful antioxidants. Also read: the benefits of avocado wonderful skin beauty

And directly linked to skin health Digestive health: Even if you're poor digestion due to lack of certain vitamins and minerals, and will have a direct impact on the health of your skin and accelerate the aging process. Hairless skin Kiwi fruit is rich in prebiotics, ie, soluble fiber shown to help in the digestive system to the immune system's budget, and improve the absorption of nutrients.

Which contain omega-3: A small black seeds of kiwi fruit also contain useful materials, and there is also a need for omega-3 fatty acids by your skin. Your skin cells are made of acids and omega fatty acids 3 fatty acids, which help to keep the skin soft and supple. Fatty acids also prevent dry skin, it also helps the cells so as not to lose moisture.