Efficacy Habbatussauda/Black seeds - 10001healthy



Efficacy Habbatussauda/Black seeds

Black seeds(Habbatussauda) which can be treated and shaped in the form of capsules of drugs, it can form the "seed honey".It is clear in the explanation as "Holy Quran" that there are medicines that can be a variety of human diseases naturally, honey. This is justified in subsection (surah: 69) and proven scientifically or empirically (real experience) was just to prove the effectiveness of seeds in the treatment and cure of diseases.

A common seed honey benefits, including:

1. restoration of the immune system
2. restore and revitalize the body after illness
3. enhance stamina and energy
4. restore function work cells in muscles  body
5. helps maintain body balance
6. stimulate inner strength
7. renew the blood for anemia
8. clean the blood of toxins or poisons.
9. ensure smooth blood flow and reduce blood clots blocking
10-prevents fat and burn excess body fat is burned for energy.
11. improving the function of a work of heart
12. overcoming hypertension/high blood pressure
13. maintain ideal body shape is still
14. facilitate urination and defecation
15. the restoration of a long illness.
16. overcome illness or health problems associated with belly
17. treatment of incision or incisions
18. cure whooping cough and dry cough
19. Prevention of darae body fatigue and lethargy and fatigue
20. help restore eye vision function blurry or landmark

B the benefits of efficacy or treacle seeds for kids:

1. to help improve the function of brain cells and motor neurons in children
2. improved memory and concentration
3. overcoming diarrhea in young children or a known disease diarrhea-donkey
4. overcoming worms in children
5. induce Fort metabolism and gives body to body until not susceptible to disease.

C effectiveness "honey Black seeds" for adolescents and adults

1. assistance in giving immunity immune teenagers who are in a period of growth
2. in the case of young women, and can launch the menstrual cycle, relieve premenstrual symptoms (PMS)
3. make your face to a healthy glow
4. maintain ideal weight is still
5. moisturize and smooth skin
6. strengthening aphrodisiac

D honey seed benefits for kids and adults

1. increase male fertility
2. adult male libido enhancement
3. for adult men who have blood sugar, seeds of honey "capable of controlling blood sugar

E Black seeds honey benefits for mothers during pregnancy

1. give stamina or when pregnancy is not easily fatigued
2. supplementary feeding for pregnant women
3. reduce nausea during pregnancy
4. protect the fetus from poisoning
5. simplify the process of childbirth.

F seeds benefits of honey to a baby in the womb

1. strengthening the fetus
2. prevent fetal abnormalities, and as a source of additional nutrients to the fetus.
3. as antibiotics to kill germs for various diseases in embryos
4. the physical and mental development will help specifically for the fetus.
5. the mother in her pregnancy, the consumption of "seed honey," the fetus preserved from hepatitis b.

G-seed honey benefits for newborns

1. to provide honey seed in newborns can help to remove amniotic fluid that had swallowed when birth takes place
2. prevent flatulence and colic babies
3. the perfect and healthy growing infant

H-for mothers after childbirth

1. speed up the process of healing the wounds caused by Cesarean
2. help clean up dirty blood residue after birth
3. help smooth small bowel movement

And other characteristics "honey Black seeds":
1. honey as sex supplement/tonic
2. honey as medicine for diabetes
3. honey as a drop
4. honey is an assassin all kinds of germs that cause disease
5. honey as medicine anti ulcer
6. honey as a treatment for cancer.
7. honey as tumor drug
8. honey as a treatment for stroke
9. honey as a drug fever
10. honey tapas medicine
11. honey as the hepatitis drug
12. honey as a heart medicine.
13. honey as a treatment for indigestion
14. honey as thrush cure
15. honey as medicine disinfectant
16. honey as a treatment for premature ejaculation
17. honey as a treatment for colitis
18. honey as beauty supplement

Effective Black seeds

The seeds of beauty

The seeds of beauty-black cumin or usually called Nigella or Arabic language known as black seed that has many advantages and effectiveness for a variety of purposes. Black cumin known as different parts of the world as one of the most important benefits-rich seeds for health, even black cumin oil which is very popular for healing and care for thousands of years. Besides the use of black cumin health and healing also very useful as a mixture of spices and chew the seeds wines fiber beauty certainly many women sought in this natural treatment.

Black seeds of a plant belonging to these types of flow